Impact of Unemployment on Families Essay Paper

Impact of Unemployment on Families Essay Paper Unemployment is the proportion of unemployed people who are currently available for work. There are social and economic impacts of unemployment which can be harmful if unemployment rises above a certain percentage in an economy.

Impact of Unemployment on Families Essay Paper
Impact of Unemployment on Families Essay Paper

One of the key drivers of the economy: consumer spending is lost when there is a high number of unemployed people (Aghion, 1996). Unemployment has a noticeable impact on the economy of a country.

A high level of unemployment can also have many effects which can be seen in areas of families, crime and education among others.

Impact of Unemployment on Families Essay Paper

Impact of Unemployment on Families

Unemployment has a devastating effect on families especially when there is a fruitless and prolonged search for another job. The economic security of families is affected negatively as the income required to cater for the resources of the families is unavailable.

When there is a sole provider in a family who has been affected by unemployment, the whole family is adversely hit by the negative impacts of unemployment. Steady sources of income are essential for the fulfillment of the needs of families (Bradshaw, 1983).

When there is a halt to the constant sources of income, the financial abilities of families is lost. As a result, families suffer psychological, social, and emotional disturbance.

One of the most common impacts of unemployment on families is the reduction of disposable income. With the setting in of unemployment, there is a drastic reduction in the disposable income of families. All the expenditures that may be major in families have to be cut down to allow adjustment with the little available money.

The purchasing ability of families is also reduced with some of the most critical expenditures such as food being profoundly affected as cutting on the necessary spending leads to increased poverty. The family members, therefore, have to go through a lot of hardship to meet the needs of their families.

The unemployment phase is also disheartening for families and directly or indirectly affects the prosperity and happiness of families.

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