Implementing and Monitoring WHS

Implementing and Monitoring WHS
Implementing and Monitoring WHS

Implementing and Monitoring WHS

Order Instructions:

1. Report

2. Identify Hazards.
Find 4 hazards anywhere at…….

3. Potential risks.

4. Priority of risks.
(a) Calculate the Priority of the risks by first assessing the consequences, exposure and probability using the Risk Level Calculator below
(b) Complete the Safety Sign Check List

5. Control Methods. Describe how you would control each hazard and or risk using the hierarchy of control and any induction and training necessary.


Implementing and Monitoring WHS

Employees and customers are often faced with risks when in the business premises. Managers try to minimize the risks occurring by trying to mitigate them to ensure that the workplace is safe and the workers and customers are also safe and free from hazardous exposure. A risk is not avoidable and is present in everyday activities. A risk can be defined as an uncertainty that surrounds events to be performed in future and the outcome (Chance & Brooks, 2015). That is the expression of the likelihood and impact of an activity which has the potential of influencing the achievement of the objectives of a company.

However, this paper addresses four hazards that might be experienced in Winter Garden noting down the potential risks, prioritizing the risks by calculating the priority list and finally provides the control methods to control each hazard using the hierarchy of control.

Identification of risks in the workplace

There are four common types of hazards that employees are exposed in the workplace. That is Physical hazards, ergonomic hazards, biological hazards and chemical hazards (Burke, 2013). The most common type of workplace hazards are Physical hazards. Four hazards that might occur in Winter Gardens include:

  • Slip and fall accidents
  • Negligent security
  • Elevator and Escalator accidents
  • Food poisoning

The above mentioned hazards are real and often occur in workplace. The management should often develop measures to mitigate such risks in order to have a safe working environment.

Potential of risks

Clients in Winter Gardens might succumb to injuries and hazards such as tripping and slipping. These injuries expose clients to potential risks such as broken limbs, sprains, injured necks and backs etc (Chance et al., 2014). Security negligence may expose the clients visiting Winter Gardens to crime which might lead to loss of property or even injuries in the event of crime or terrorism related crimes. Elevators and escalators also expose clients to accidents when they move from one place to another in the Winter Gardens. Food poisoning is also a potential danger which can occur even in exotic places like Winter Gardens. Food poisoning might expose individuals to risk of being diagnosed with E. coli and Salmonella. Therefore, it is important to observe safety measures in the workplace (Hoyt et al., 2013).

Priority of risks

Type of risk
Slip and Fall accidents Consequences VL 1
exposure VH 8
probability C 10
Risk value 19
Negligent Security Consequences VH 8
exposure L 2
probability H 6
Risk value 16
Elevators and escalator accidents Consequences VL 1
exposure H 6
probability C 10
Risk value 17
Food Poisoning Consequences L 2
exposure M 4
probability VH 8
Risk value 14

Safety Control checklist

1.      Are people able to identify what protective equipment must be worn? ü
2.      Are employees and visitors required to keep specific instructions? ü
3.      Are any arieas restricted accesses to authorized persons only? ü
4.      Are any activities prohibited in the workplace? ü
5.      Are persons warned of any dangerous areas of risks? ü
6.      Are persons warned of hazards that may cause injury or damage? ü
7.      Can persons be injured due to the way that they carry out their tasks? ü
8.      Are dangerous goods stored or used in the workplace? ü
9.      Are fire-fighting appliances properly identified ü
10.  Is the lacation of First-Aid equipment clearly identified? ü
11.  Are emergency exists, evacuation routes and assembly areas properly identified? ü
12.  Is traffic flow and parking controlled around the workplace. With safe speed limits defined? ü

Recommendations and Measures to Control Each Hazard

The best way to hazards is to put measures that can help in mitigating the risks involved. To avoid tripling in the garden, items within the buildings should be arranged in an orderly manner also to reduce accidents caused by tripling while at work (Rampini et al., 2014). All grease, food or water spills should be wiped off the floors immediately. On the same note, loose wiring and electrical cords within the environment should be taped on the walls or floors.

The management of Winter Gardens should also tighten up security and bar individuals having weapons from accessing the facility to prevent crimes that might occur due to negligence. Security also needs to monitor all security cameras within the facility especially the parking garage (Rampini et al., 2015). To prevent elevator and escalators accidents, the management of Winter Garden should ensure that all elevators and escalators in the facility are well maintained and put in place. On the same note, the organization should also address safety concerns that may arise during maintenance checks. Finally, food should be cooked properly and hygiene should be observed while handling either cooked or raw food to prevent the occurrence of food poisoning within the Winter Gardens.


Chance, D., & Brooks, R. (2015). Introduction to derivatives and risk management. Cengage Learning.

Rampini, A. A., Sufi, A., & Viswanathan, S. (2014). Dynamic risk management.Journal of Financial Economics111(2), 271-296.

Hoyt, R. E., & Liebenberg, A. P. (2011). The value of enterprise risk management. Journal of Risk and Insurance78(4), 795-822.

Burke, R. (2013). Project management: planning and control techniques.

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