Implications of ethics for an Organization

Implications of ethics for an Organization Order Instructions: Implications of ethics for an Organization beyond just the “business” side

Implications of ethics for an Organization
Implications of ethics for an Organization

I need an essay in the following subject:

Discuss some implications that ethics may have for organizations beyond just the ‘business’ side. How does a ‘sense of responsibility to others’ affect the decisions that are made by an organization as a whole as well as the individual leaders within?

1) The answer must raise appropriate critical questions.

2) The answer must include examples from aviation experience or the web with references from relevant examples from real aviation companies. I prefer example from Qatar Airways, Etihad airline, Emirates airline, Al Arabia Airline.

3) Please don’t use Wikipedia web site.

4) I need examples from peer reviewed articles or researches.

Appreciate every single moment you spend in writing my paper

Best regards

Implications of ethics for an Organization Sample Answer

Implications that ethics may have for an organization beyond just the “business” side

Ethics is very fundamental tool in any organization. They are the ideologies and standards used by a person to direct his or her activities and choices. A code of ethics for an organization is, therefore, a set of standards and philosophies that govern the organization’s strategies, agendas, and verdicts. Ethics in an organization have very major implications to the organization because it exhibits the standards of an association to its workforce and other stakeholders. It, therefore, affects the organization’s response to both internal and external affairs (Charles, 2006, p16).

The implications that ethics may have for an organization can be viewed from two perspectives, that is, the employee ethics and the leadership ethics. Virtuous manners among employees, in any organization, safeguard the workers’ decency and reliability in their accomplishment of the organizational duties. Any organization that its employees observe the organization codes of ethics is often characterized by a team of workers who are driven to meeting the goals of the organization (Charles, 2006, p28). In addition, such employees also work towards achieving quality and standard required by the organization, and in turn enhancement of the organization reputation for the quality services.

On the other hand, leadership ethics also have fundamental implications for an organization. The determination and devotion of workforces in an organization is dependent on the management of that organization. The ethics that a leader of an organization chooses to administrate with the organization, therefore, has implications on how the workers will perform for that organization. This choice further affects the input of the workers and consequently the ultimate productivity of the organization (Matthews, 2014, p102). The leadership ethics can be looked at in terms of disciplinary procedures in an organization, fairness with regards to awarding promotions to employees, as well as critical organization’s decisions made by the management. High level of leadership ethics also inspire the employees to attain such levels.

For instance, Etihad Airlines is one of the successful airline organization with its success deeply rooted on its code of ethics. The Etihad Airlines has a set code of ethics that specify the standards that it targets as an organization. The organization expectations are that all its workers and staffs comply with the codes (James, 2012, p11). These codes of ethics have been instrumental in propelling this organization into the international limelight. The call for compliance with the codes among its workers has ensured that their services are of international standards as well enhancing its reputation. The Etihad Airlines has world-class customer service providers who work with great devotion and loyalty to meet the objectives of the organization which is found on the basis of absolute customer satisfaction and experience(James, 2012, p17).

The organization also has a group of efficient managers who uphold a high level of ethics. The organization has a well-structured discipline procedure guidelines that aid in effecting discipline measures. The organization code also observes an annual awards day to its employees who have made an exemplary contribution over a year. This values and ideologies are the benchmarks upon which the success of this organization lies. Currently, the Etihad Airline provides its services to virtually all the continents of the world (James, 2012, p22).

Ethics within an organization can also be viewed in terms of individual actions or decision. These decisions could be from either an individual worker or a manager of the organization. As far as ethics for an organization demands for responsibility, several individual responsibilities is what constitute the entire organization responsibility and, consequently, the basis of an organization ethics (Kelchner, 2014, p98). An individual sense of responsibility in organization may affect the response of the other fellow workers. Every worker in an organization has specific roles they play and which are correlated to come up with the final products of the organization. For example, when a manger makes a decision that affects the moral of a certain worker in a given department of an organization, their response may affect the general output of that department and in turn other departments that relate with the affected and, ultimately, the organization in its entirety (Dricscoll et al. 2002, p32) For example, if the discipline procedure is not fairly administered to an individual in the advertising department, advertisement of new services by the organization may not effectively reach the intended consumers. As a result the other service providers of an organization will also fail to get the targeted customers for the services offered.

Implications of ethics for an Organization Reference

Charles Ruthford, 2006. Why Measure the Effectiveness of an Ethic and Compliance program? Macmillan Publishers, UK. Retrieved from:

Dricscoll, Dawn-Marie and Hoffman, W. Michael, 2002. Ethics Matters: How to Implement Values-Driven Management. Retrieved from:

James Hogan, 2012. The National Airline of the U.A.E. Etihad Airways. Ethics and Compliance. Retrieved from:

Kelchner, L, 2014. The Importance of Ethics in Organizations. Retrieved from

Matthews, J, 2014. Eight Elements of an Ethical Organization. Retrieved from


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