Importance of ethics, a few of the basic principles, andthe issue you plan to discuss.

Begin your paper by discussing the importance of ethics, a few of the basic principles, and
the issue you plan to discuss.

You will then discuss which Ethical framework fits that issue that you identified and how the final decision was made related to the identified ethical
issue. Then discuss how things could have been done differently from an employee and a
management perspective. Read over some of the examples of ethical issues in the
textbook for topics if you do not have a recent ethical issue to write about.
The following steps will help you to create a proper APA formatted paper.
Step 1. The paper must have a Title Page as per Student Paper found in the APA 7th
edition book p. 61. Number each page upper right.
Step 2. This page #2 and should have a title that is bolded and centered at 1 inch from the
top of the page. The first paragraph will have your introduction telling the “reader” what
your paper will be about. There should be a “purpose statement” telling the reader why
you are writing this paper and give a quick overview of the topics that will be covered.
Include a reference to the textbook in that first paragraph.
Step 3. The second paragraph will also be on page 2; the header should be bolded. You
may use your textbook one time as a reference in this paragraph and also include as

many evidence-based articles from within the last 5-10 years as needed to discuss key
features that are related to the topic you choose to write about. Be careful to use your
own words and not copy from the text. No quotes are allowed from any articles or from
the text. You may use personal experience but remember to make it brief. You will need
to state that this is your experience.
Step 4. On page 3, the first paragraph should have a bolded header. Then discuss one
of the ethical frameworks related to the subject you are writing about. Making sure to
use a primary reference to support the framework you chose. (cite only the last
name of the framework or theorist and the year). Most of these references should be
found at the back of the chapter where this ethical framework discussion is found. If
there is not a specified person who developed the framework, you may cite the
Step 5. On page 3 the last bolded header will be Conclusion and should include one
paragraph summarizing the subjects that you have discussed. There should be no
references or new material.

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