Importance of Service User Feedback using Gibbs reflective model

Importance of Service User Feedback using Gibbs reflective model


• What happened; This is where the writer must create scenario that makes student nurse involved in an episode of care and created scenario must focus on the importance of service user feedback. The writeup must be Interested, Troubled, Pleased and make student nurse think.

• Then, the next step in the write up must indicate how student nurse understood the event.

• Finally, the write up must show what student nurse learned from the event (scenario).

I suggest using Gibbs reflective model that will help maintain a structure. Using references as appropriate.
Do Not draw Gibbs reflective model or defining meaning of Gibbs model.

Importance of Service User Feedback using Gibbs reflective model


• What happened; This is where the writer must create scenario that makes student nurse involved in an episode of care and created scenario must focus on the importance of service user feedback. The writeup must be Interested, Troubled, Pleased and make student nurse think.

• Then, the next step in the write up must indicate how student nurse understood the event.

• Finally, the write up must show what student nurse learned from the event (scenario).

I suggest using Gibbs reflective model that will help maintain a structure. Using references as appropriate.
Do Not draw Gibbs reflective model or defining meaning of Gibbs model.

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