In what ways did American Culture Influence Brazil

In what ways did American Culture Influence Brazil The writer has to write an essay about: “In what ways did American culture influence Brazil?”

The thesis statement is:

In what ways did American Culture Influence Brazil
In what ways did American Culture Influence Brazil

Although the United States influences Brazil through the clothing industry, the main influences of American culture on Brazil are on its political system and through the entertainment industry

In what ways did American Culture Influence Brazil Something in this line

There has been notable that The United States since his foundation in 1787 has influenced the world in many ways. This influence can be especially noted in under-developed countries, where the degree of “Americanization” (yes, there is a term for that) is even high. In Brazil for example, in the list of the 10 most-watched movies of all times, 9 are American productions. Only with this fact, is undoubtedly the influence of the United States in the entertainment market of this emerging country. For sure the foreign country with the greatest influence on Brazil is the United States. Although the big influence in spheres like clothing, economic and political, the biggest influence of US culture on Brazil, however, has been entertainment.

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