Incentive program Case Study Assignment

Incentive program
              Incentive program

Incentive program

The Scenario:
A couple of months have passed since I adopted your initial recommendations from the analytical report; I have had positive responses thus far to the changes I’ve made, and I’m hoping for my retention issue to slowly improve. While the first report identified a couple of different problem areas that needed prompt correction, the one place where I didn’t have immediate concerns at that time was for the Cost criteria, based on the survey results. However, you now see an opportunity for my business: what if we could make improvements in that area also? Surely, this would also help retention!

You have put together a small team of other managers from within the company, and you’ve come up with a plan that could be implemented to make Cost and memberships even better. You’ve decided to write a formal proposal, knowing that I have stakeholders I would potentially share this plan with. I am not expecting this proposal, as I haven’t asked you for it, so you’ll have to persuade me that there is a need for your idea and that it would help retention; likely, your idea will also have an impact on the other survey criteria that were a problem, and you should point this out to me in the proposal.

Your proposal could suggest one of the following ideas:
a. Substantial additions/changes to the Elite membership level to increase enrollment – this would require outlining everything that level would contain and have access to
b. Several additions/changes to both membership levels to increase enrollment
c. An incentive program for both membership levels marketed at increasing the enrollment in my fitness classes and programs
d. The creation of a new membership level and what it would contain and have access to

The Proposal Details:
– This proposal is written to me as the primary audience.
– We are NOT using memo format: you will be given a formatting template to work from.
– On the above-mentioned template, you will find the major sections of the report. Please use sub-headings where you feel you need them to help organize information within each section.
– The length from the Introduction to the Summary (the actual report itself) will be approximately 6 pages. You might exceed this.
– The proposal will contain Front Matter, formal elements that come before the Introduction, and Back Matter, formal elements that come after the Summary.
– Additional research is required relating to the idea you choose to propose. You will need a minimum of 2 secondary sources. All research requires accurate in-text citations, and a references list will be included (one part of the Back Matter).
– The only visuals required will be Tables to organize the information in the Work Plan and Associated Costs sections. Any other visuals are at your discretion. You will still follow the 5 Rules of Integration to place them into the report.
– Page numbers are a necessity. We will discuss how to do this, as there are two different numbering systems being used between the formal elements and the actual report.
– The report will be bound with spiral binding and a plastic cover; the library or any office supply store can do this for a very small fee.
– One person from your group will submit the Proposal through SafeAssign, as before. Please go to the Formal Proposal folder in Assignments for the link.

Marking Guide

Content and Organization/30
Introduction (3)
Clearly summarizes why the report is being written; original business problem is noted, needs solving
Attempts to convince the reader there is an opportunity to further aid retention efforts
Has a clear and effective Statement of Purpose and gives a preview of the main sections
Overview (3)
Offers a few conclusion statements about the survey data for Cost criteria
Gives a brief summary of the major components of the proposed idea
Profiles affected people and explains how they will benefit
Research Methods and Findings (5)
Appropriate, effective research has been provided to support/complement the proposed idea
Research is clear, coherent, and has a direct correlation to the proposal
Proposed Recommendation (7)
Idea is explained in specific detail and is clear, coherent
Explanation covers all aspects of introducing and running the idea/program
Work Plan (5)
Outlines who is doing what task and when, including implementation, completion, follow-up dates
Appears feasible and logical, detailed
Resources (2)
Offers clear description/explanation of all materials or other services/items needed to fulfill idea
Associated Costs (3)
Gives organized breakdown of all costs for this idea
Offers a grand total and a discussion of major elements, discussion of high/low costs
Authorization (2)
Summarizes the key points of the proposal; is persuasive
Asks reader to sign and date document in acceptance

Relevant and effective information included; accurate in-text citations; accurate References List

Report Mechanics/5
Appropriate use of white space + balance; effective and consistent text spacing and fonts
Consistent and effective formatting of informative headings/sub-headings and text body
Correct pagination

Formal Elements/10
Report is spiral-bound with a clear plastic cover
Title Page contains required information, is professional
Letter of Transmittal is accurately formatted with effective information
Table of Contents is accurately formatted with correct information
List of Illustrations is accurately formatted with correct information
TWO Appendix items are accurately and effectively chosen, titled, labelled

All visuals used correctly follow the rules for integration and are relevant, coherent

Writing Mechanics/5
Proper grammar, spelling, sentence structure, paragraph structure
Professional business tone
*very weak grammar can affect the content mark


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