Individual Project on Ideal Goal upon Graduation

Individual Project on Ideal Goal upon Graduation Project 4: Individual: Define your ideal goal/objective when you graduate

Individual Project on Ideal Goal upon Graduation
Individual Project on Ideal Goal upon Graduation

Goal: Using the thinking in The Greatness Zone, be able to create possibilities that fit your Greatness Factor; select the one that is a targeted objective
at the end of your college. Use the information presented on how to create a performance plan to build a plan on how to use the time at college (year by
year) to be ready for the stated objective (start your business, get hired or continue with education for a particular purpose at the end of college, etc).
1. Create your Greatness Factor Worksheet
2. Create your list of Possibilities
3. Review Possibilities for those that 5it all criteria (good at it, love it, it matters
to you and there is a need in today’s world)
4. Define your intended direction for the end of college
5. Create a specific year-by-year plan on how you will achieve this end of college
6. The project must be written typed Times New Roman 12 font minimum of 2

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