Inequality and Criminal Justice
Essay Assignment
The essay must be written in American Sociological Format (ASA) format. The rubric and guidelines will be in the attachments for this essay order.
Purpose: You must now complete the final phase of the writing process by integrating your annotated bibliography research and any feedback received into a final essay. The central aim is to synthesize and integrate your research into a coherent and empirically supported argument.
Topic: This topic examines the intersection between inequality and criminal justice. Inequality can be inequality of class, race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, and so on. Criminal justice refers to the intersection of one of these topics with some elements of the criminal justice system, such as police, courts, border security, sentencing, corrections, parole, and so on. You should focus on ONE topic (for example, race and sentencing, gender and policing). The aim is for you to choose an axis of inequality and discuss how it interacts with a component of the criminal justice system. You are to make a clear argument in the form of a thesis statement and then support your argument with the material located through your research (library and scholarly database searches). More information will be provided in lecture.
Structure: You are free to structure the paper in any way that helps you to convey your argument more effectively. Headings and sub-headings may be used if appropriate.
Document Parameters: The paper must be 8-pages (12 font, double spaced, 1 inch margins), excluding cover page and references. Failure to adhere to these parameters will result in penalty. Don’t get creative with the font, margins, or spacing.
Citation Format: ASA (American Sociological Association).
Sources: Be sure to cite all sources appropriately. For this assignment you must have a minimum of eight (8) sources. See Annotated Bibliography assignment for source criteria (I recognize that this is two more sources than for the annotated bibliography but the source criteria remains the same). You are of course free to use more than eight sources.
Due Date: Essays must be submitted via the course website by the beginning of class on March 19, 2019. The penalty for late assignments is 2% per day late calculated on a 24 hour turnover beginning after the start of class. Papers more than 7 days late will receive a grade of zero.
Evaluation: The paper is worth 35% of your final grade. See evaluation criteria and grading scheme below.
Criteria Novice Competent Proficient
20% Introduction is not developed. Does not provide general subject matter, a thesis statement or an outline. Introduction is superficially developed. Presents a thesis statement and rough outline of the paper. Introduction is thoroughly developed introducing the general subject of the paper and narrowing down to the thesis statement (argumentative statement). Thesis statement is followed by an outline of the subsequent sections of the paper.
40% Body has no shape and shows no attempt at organization. Paragraphing is haphazard and no transitions are used. No attempt is made to use data to back up points made in the paper. Body has no discernible shape and shows superficial organization. Paragraphs contain more than one idea. Transitions are superficial. Data is used sparingly throughout the paper. Body has clear shape that demonstrates organization. All paragraphs contain one main idea and supporting sentences. Appropriate transitions are used. Arguments are supported with appropriate data
10% Restates ideas in intro Restates ideas in intro, provides summary of main argument and unique or interesting observations. Presents ideas in the intro. in a fresh way. Provides main summary of the argument made, any unique observations and suggestions for future research/policy suggestions
Grammar, spelling, punctuation
10% Mistakes prevent the reader from following the paper. Shows many mistakes in these areas. Shows little or no grammar, spelling and/or punctuation errors.
Sentence structure
10% Uses all simple sentence structures. Uses varied sentence structure. Uses mature and varied sentence structure.
10% ASA style is not utilized. ASA in style is used inconsistently throughout. ASA style is used consistently throughout.
Grade Range 0-59% 60-76 77-100
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