Informative speech on Social Security

Informative speech on Social Security
Informative speech on Social Security

Informative speech on Social Security

Order Instructions:

Informative speech on Social Security

Informative Speech. In this speech your goal is to inform your audience as to the details of the topic suggestion below. Being an Informative Speech you are not asked to discuss the merits of the program. Your task, as is consistent with an informative speech, is to provide your audience the details (information) as to the proposed topic below:
Social Security is a debated topic in every Presidential Election and one gaining increasing attention as more and more baby boomers retire. For this speech students should research the history and functioning of the current Social Security System. From this research you are to present an informative speech on Social Security. Topics may include: A brief history of the social security system; how to apply for benefits and how one qualifies; the pros and cons of delaying benefits; how to afford to live off of the benefits received from Social Security; strategies to adopt while you are young to be able to afford to retire . . .
Also require an outline in the following format:

Sample Speech Outline
Title of Speech
Purpose: (Your purpose for this speech)
Thesis: (Main Argument that will be covered)
I. Introduction
A. Greeting your audience (simple greeting will suffice)
B. Attention grabber (should inflict emotion or raised attention)
C. Credibility statement (why you should be trusted?)
D. Thesis statement (a sentence detailing the subject that will be provided in speech)
E. Preview of main points (what the main points are that you will go over)
Transition (signals the transition from the introduction to the body)
II. Body
A. Main point 1 (Detail the first main point)
1. Subordinate point (Detail any subordinate points if necessary)
a. Support (any supporting documents or evidence)
b. Support (any supporting documents or evidence)
2. Subordinate point (Detail any subordinate points if necessary)
a. Support (any supporting documents or evidence)
b. Support (any supporting documents or evidence)
Transition (signals the transition from the first main point to the second main point)

B. Main point 2 (Detail the second main point)
1. Subordinate point (Detail any subordinate points if necessary)
a. Support (any supporting documents or evidence)
b. Support (any supporting documents or evidence)
2. Subordinate point (Detail any subordinate points if necessary)
a. Support (any supporting documents or evidence)
b. Support (any supporting documents or evidence)
Transition (signals the transition from the second main point to the third main point)

C. Main point 3 (Detail the third main point)
1. Subordinate point (Detail any subordinate points if necessary)
a. Support (any supporting documents or evidence)
b. Support (any supporting documents or evidence)
2. Subordinate point (Detail any subordinate points if necessary)
a. Support (any supporting documents or evidence)
b. Support (any supporting documents or evidence)
Transition (signals the transition from the body to the conclusion)

III. Conclusion
A. Signal closing (signal that you are concluding your speech)
B. Restate thesis (restate your thesis statement from earlier)
C. Review main points (briefly go back over all of your main points)
1. Main point 1 (briefly restate main points)
2. Main point 2
3. Main point 2
D. Memorable statement or call for action (your final statement to the audience)
E. Thank the audience for listening (a simple thank you for your time will suffice)


Speech Outline

  1. Introduction
  2. My fellow Americans, I salute you all.
  3. Of late, there have been a lot of discussions regarding Social Security.
  4. I have a lot of experience in this subject.
  5. I’m going to give you some information about the history and the current function of the Social Security System.
  6. Brief history about Social Security in the United States, how to apply for benefits, and how one qualifies for such benefits from the program.
  7. Body
  8. The origin of social insurance has its foundation on economic security.
  9. Throughout human history, societies have strived to deal with this problem through various approaches.
  10. The importance of social insurance was realized more after the Industrial Revolution.
  11. Most Americans lived on their land and their life expectancy was short.
  12. As a result of the Industrial Revolution, the life expectancy for most Americans increased.
  13. This was because of the improvement in health care.
  14. The Social Security was eventually started in America during the Franklin Roosevelt presidency when the Social Security Act of 1935 was enacted.
  15. Not everyone is qualified to receive Social Security Benefits.
  16. An income of at least 40 quarterly credits is required for one to qualify.
  17. One credit is gained by a worker after earring at least $900 in a period of three months.
  18. During this period, Social Security taxes have to be paid on that amount.
  19. The amount of income that one requires to earn a credit changes annually.
  20. This never affects the credits already earned.
  21. When a worker earns 40 credits, he permanently qualifies for the Social Security benefits.
  22. To afford living off on the benefits received from Social Security, it is imperative to ensure that you start paying for the Social Security early enough.
  23. This will also imply that you will have more benefits later.
  24. Calculation is done on the basis of the number of years you have worked.
  25. As such, you should avoid asking for early retirements because the benefits will not be enough to sustain you.
  26. Paying Social Security taxes when young is vital.
  27. This is one of the strategies to ensure you get enough benefits.
  28. Such benefits will sustain you after retirement.
  • Conclusion
  1. To sum up, the introduction of Social Security in the US was a positive move.
  2. The history and the current function of Social Security are essential as they make us understand how the program came into existence.
  3. Review of the main points.
  4. Social Security was started after the Industrial Revolution.
  5. Workers need to accumulate credits to qualify for benefits.
  6. It is important for us to start saving early to have enough benefits when we retire.
  7. I strongly believe that you now have a better understanding of Social Security and how it operates.
  8. Thank you very much for your attention and may God bless you.

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