Integrate Waste Elimination Techniques

Integrate Waste Elimination Techniques
Integrate Waste Elimination Techniques

Integrate Waste Elimination Techniques into Training Development

Your company has decided to shift the production of new-hire orientation to a new training vendor, and you are responsible for creating a PowerPoint presentation to deliver to a new team of eight instructional designers (ID’s). These ID’s are familiar with current processes and will develop training materials, based on your direction, for their service and manufacturing teams. While there are commonalities in quality management content for both audiences (Service and/or Manufacturing personnel), you recognize the need to convey specifics in the quality education area that are unique to either service or manufacturing. While this assignment draws on your learning from Week 3, the focus is on your ability to convey to the instructional design team the salient points surrounding quality management deemed worthy of attention in new employee development.

Focus your presentation content on identifying and conveying the most important points relevant to the company’s quality initiatives – not on effective delivery of the content to the intended audience of new employees. Begin your presentation by identifying which team you selected (service or manufacturing) and continually reinforce how and why the points you emphasize are relevant to bottom line business performance.

Your presentation should provide guidance to the ID’s by including the following:

Brief history of your company’s quality, including anticipated cost recovery from implementation of future quality improvements.
Clear description of the target audience.
Summary of key points touted by Deming, Juran, and Crosby.
Definition of at least six Quality Management terms (TQM, etc.) and an example of where and how each might be used to improve corporate quality outcomes.
Description of one continuous improvement analytical tool (such as a Pareto chart or fishbone diagram) and how it might be used to advance quality.
Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists.

Support your presentation with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources may be included.

Length: 12-15 slides (with a separate reference slide)
Notes Length: 100-150 words for each slide

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