Interaction or Event from your Clinical Placement

Interaction or Event from your Clinical Placement Examine an interaction or event from clinical placement, which has required you to demonstrate professional conduct (NMC 2018).

Interaction or Event from your Clinical Placement
Interaction or Event from your Clinical Placement

You are required to identify the clinical practice area (with an anonymous name, or just call it e.g. ?a medical ward?), the interaction/event and the student role. This will involve discussion of the situation in relation to professional conduct. 19
Identify an actual event such as when you cared for a patient, or met with a professional (invent names for them). It might have been a meeting, or a conversation, or a process such as washing a
patient, sending a patient home. In any case it must illustrate professional conduct in some way.
Do not choose an event for any other reason, or linked with other topics.
Use the NMC code to refer to the need for professional conduct.

Interaction or Event from your Clinical Placement Sources of References

Other references will also be relevant.
Your appendix will be a reflection on your learning of professional conduct issues. This will involve discussion of the situation in relation to professional conduct. 19
Identify an actual event such as when you cared for a patient, or met with a professional (invent names for them). It might have been a meeting, or a conversation, or a process such as washing a
patient, sending a patient home. In any case it must illustrate professional conduct in some way.
Do not choose an event for any other reason, or linked with other topics.
Use the NMC code to refer to the need for professional conduct. Interaction or Event from your Clinical Placement Other references will also be relevant.
Your appendix will be a reflection on your learning of professional conduct issues. It might have been a meeting, or a conversation, or a process such as washing a
patient, sending a patient home. In any case it must illustrate professional conduct in some way. Interaction or Event from your Clinical Placement

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