Intersection of biology and culture

Intersection of biology and culture in expressions of left- and right-handedness
Intersection of biology and culture in expressions of left- and right-handedness

Intersection of biology and culture in expressions of left- and right-handedness

PURPOSE: To explore the intersection of biology and culture in expressions of left- and right-handedness.

SKILLS/OBJECTIVES: After completing this assignment, you should be able to:

  • Provide clearly expressed opinions and factual information through written and oral communication.
  • Apply concepts of anthropology to contemporary global and social issues and your own behaviors.
  • In your exploration of course topics, you will also begin to work within the following discipline-specific knowledge areas:
  • Construct an informed opinion on how the body reflects values and beliefs of the wider society to which it belongs.

TIME TRACK: On average, this short paper assignment should take about 1 to 1 1/2 hours to complete.

DUE DATE: Throughout the term you are expected to complete 8 activity assignments. This assignment is due no later than 11:59pm EST on FEB 11, 2019.

GRADE: This activity assignment is worth a possible 30 points toward your Activity Assignments final grade. Please see the grading rubric for expectations in performance for this assignment.

STEP 1: Activity Background
Viewpoints on Handedness
TASK: Review the section in your assigned textbook reading (p. 35-36) on handedness. Then read the following article concerning handedness in Japanese culture and society.

ARTICLE: Lefties Push Back Against Japan’s ‘Righteous’ Spin (URL link) (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
TASK: Try the following actions using the opposite hand to the one you usually use.

Write out your name, date of birth and the courses that you are taking.
Drink a glass of water, use a fork or spoon, or try using a pair of scissors.
Put a key into a door lock.
Use a remote control or your phone.
Once you have completed these tasks, you are ready to move on to STEP 2.

STEP 2: Critical and Reflexive Thinking
Constructing an Informed Opinion
This activity is your chance to communicate in writing your personal viewpoint and learning experience related the article and activities in STEP 1 and the ideas and values contained therein. In this step, you are expected to compose a well organized, clear and concise response that presents your informed opinion about your experiences and understandings on handedness.

Critical thinking is the objective analysis of facts to form a judgment. Critical thinking is self-directed, self-disciplined, self-monitored, and self-corrective thinking. It entails effective communication and problem solving abilities, as well as a commitment to overcome our inability to differentiate between self and other, and the judgement of another based solely on our own values and standards.

The act of being reflexive means that you are acknowledging the effect that your position in the world – economically, socially, culturally, geographically, and so on – has on yourself. It is a reflection on the past and current situations and conditions that have brought you here and molded you and your mind. It is a reflection on the way you think and why you think in this way.

Critical thinking and reflexivity are what we use to construct informed opinions, or our views formed about something based on fact or knowledge.

TASK: Given what you have learned from your reading and activities, respond to the following questions:

  • Can you read what you wrote using the opposite hand to the one you usually use? How long did it take compared to writing with your usual hand? Do you think you could improve with practice?
  • Describe how it felt using the opposite hand to the one you usually use in the other activities (e.g., keys, utensils, phone)? Do you think it would be easier to improve in these tasks with practice? Why or why not?
  • Think about your own experiences with handedness when compared with those discussed in the article on Japanese culture and the posted comments. Why do you think we still emphasize handedness in everyday activities or simple objects such as scissors or vending machines?
  • Briefly explain what you think handedness tells us about the power of culture as a means to control our bodies.
  • Take a bit of time to think about your response – organize your thoughts and opinion statements before you start writing. Include your own voice by evaluating evidence and considering critical questions about cultural control and classification of our bodies.

Please keep in mind that there is no right or wrong answer to these questions, and you will inevitably use your own opinions, beliefs, and experiences in answering each question.

FORMATTING YOUR WORK: Please use the following guidelines in formatting your answers.

Answers should be written in as a list OR in short paragraph form depending on the type of response needed. Papers should be no longer than 1 to 1 1/2 pages in length.

Each response should include the question number at the start followed by your answer.

Do not include the questions in your work, only your answers should be submitted.

Use standard one-inch margins and 12-point font in .doc or .docx file format for submission.

Please use proper grammar, sentence structure and spelling.

All opinions and responses submitted must be your own work and in your own words.

Once you have completed your written work, you are ready to move on to STEP 3.

STEP 3: Submitting Your Work
Getting Graded
TASK: Before submitting you work for grading, read over your work one last time and consider the following:

  • Are there any obvious grammar and/or spelling errors?
  • Are the concepts in your opinions and response statements organized and understandable to others?
  • Have you fully answered the questions?
  • Did you follow the correct formatting for the assignment?
  • After consideration, please submit your work using the link provided on this page.

If you have any questions about the assignment or encounter any problems during submission, please contact the professor or your graduate teaching assistant (GTA) for assistance. For questions concerning make-up or late assignments, please review your syllabus prior to contacting your professor or GTA.

Click on the “Next” and “Previous” buttons at the bottom of these pages to navigate through this module.

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Q1 Writing Activity
Experiential Task 5.0 Pts
Full Marks
Accurately expresses foundational knowledge and experience pertaining to specific task 3.0 Pts
Standard Met
Expresses limited foundational knowledge and experience pertaining to specific task 0.0 Pts
No Marks
No submission OR Expresses no relevant foundational knowledge and experience related to specific task 5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Q2 Tool Activity
Experiential Task 5.0 Pts
Full Marks
Accurately expresses experience and comparison/contrast with a specific task 3.0 Pts
Standard Met
Expresses limited reference to experience and comparison/contrast with a specific task 0.0 Pts
No Marks
No submission OR Expresses no reference to experience and comparison/contrast with a specific task 5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Q3 Emphasize Handedness
Comparative and Self-Reflection 10.0 Pts
Full Marks
Accurately expresses foundational knowledge pertaining to specific issues; critical thinking and problem solving skills well developed and clearly evident in synthesis, logic and reasoning 7.0 Pts
Standard Met
Expresses limited foundational knowledge; some critical thinking and problem solving skills evident 0.0 Pts
No Marks
No submission OR Expresses no relevant foundational knowledge; critical thinking and problem solving skills not evident 10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a learning outcome Q4 Diet and Habitat Use
Concept and Information Synthesis 10.0 Pts
Full Marks
Accurately expresses foundational knowledge pertaining to specific issues; critical thinking and problem solving skills well developed and clearly evident in synthesis, logic and reasoning 3.0 Pts
Standard Met
Expresses limited foundational knowledge; some critical thinking and problem solving skills evident 0.0 Pts
No Marks
No submission OR Expresses no relevant foundational knowledge; critical thinking and problem solving skills not evident 10.0 pts
Total points: 30.0

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