Intolerant of Employees and the Right to Discipline

Intolerant of Employees and the Right to Discipline Employers are often intolerant of employees who express negative opinions or expose inside information about their employers on social media sites.

Intolerant of Employees and the Right to Discipline
Intolerant of Employees and the Right to Discipline

Given that most jurisdictions in the United States use the doctrine of employment at will (employees can be fired at any time for any reason), many employers are quick to discipline or terminate employees who express opinions with which the company disagrees.

When such cases come to court, the courts often find in favor of the employers.

Do you believe that employers have the right to discipline or even terminate employees for expressing opinions with which the employers disagree?

In a 1-2 page double-spaced paper, argue your point. You may use citations, if necessary, to argue your point.

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