Introduction to Gerontology
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Psychology of Aging
Department of Family Studies and Gerontology
Research Paper Outline
FSGN 1101(2) Introduction to Gerontology
Value: 10%
Due: February 27, 2019 by 6pm
Students must submit a 2 page outline of their research papers via Moodle (4 page total with
title page and reference list page). The research question must be related to a topic discussed in
class. Students are encouraged to explore a topic of particular interest to them or to choose
one from the list below.
Students are encouraged to begin searching for resources on their topic to determine if there is
enough published information about the topic to write the paper and to begin to develop the
paper outline. Research topics are to be related to course content covered in Sections 6,
(psychology), 7 (healthcare), 8 (family life & social support), 9 (leisure, recreation & service).
If you’re not sure if you have developed an appropriate research question, email the instructor
your question at least one week BEFORE you submit your paper outline.
Some Suggested Research Topic Ideas
Psychology of Aging
• Resilience in older life
• Creativity and aging
• Rethinking dementia
• Implications of plasticity and cognitive reserve as we age
• New models of intelligence
• Aging with a developmental disability
• Implications of health care rationing
• New models for an aging population
Introduction to Gerontology FSGN 1101
• Person centred care
• Health promotion among seniors
• The promise of technology
• Pathologizing aging
Family Life & Social Support
• Ethno cultural differences in social support
• Baby boomer support for siblings: Cohort differences
• Filial obligation and social support
• Caring for older parents (or older spouses, nonrelatives)
• Caring for persons with dementia (differences, challenges, best practices)
• Combining work and eldercare – short and long-term consequences
• Maintaining family in long term care
Leisure, Recreation and Service
• Volunteering among older persons (gender differences, cultural differences, etc.)
• Changes in spiritual need as people age
• Spirituality and aging: different religious traditions
• Living a meaningful late life
• Aging and lifelong learning
Research Paper Outline Requirements
The outline should be 2 pages (300-500 words), plus separate title and reference pages (total 4
pages). Use the following format when completing your outline:
1. Title Page: Follow APA format.
2. Research Question: Write your research question. Strong questions are always specific and
targeted. The more specific you can be, the better the paper will be. You will build your paper
around this question.
3. Introductory paragraph – Describe in one paragraph (approx. 100-200 words) why this
question was chosen and why it is important to understand it. This is not an opinion piece or a
personal reflection. It is a research paper and your arguments must be supported. Please keep
that in mind here and as you write the paper.
4. Investigation Plan: Describe in one paragraph (approximately 100-200 words) the plan for
investigating this question using a gerontological perspective. What makes this study a
gerontology study (besides the topic)? To address this you will need to think about the theories
and methods that are used in gerontology, and how gerontology’s way of thinking about aging
Introduction to Gerontology FSGN 1101
may be different from other disciplines (such as biology, or psychology or English literature –
although there may be some points of connection between these disciplines). In addressing
these questions, consider what it is that makes gerontology as a field of study distinct.
5. Reference List: Include 3 references for published peer-reviewed academic research in APA
6. Grammar & Spelling: Proof read before submitting to ensure you have spelled all words
correctly and have used good grammar.
The outline is the plan for your research paper. You need to give each of the components of the
outline due consideration and you need to think about how each component relates to the
other. For example, do your references actually help you to address your question, or are they
just general references on the overarching topic of aging? Your grade will reflect how well the
different aspects of the outline fit together, and show your understanding of a gerontological
Introduction to Gerontology FSGN 1101
You must submit all written assignments to receive a final grade. You must submit a hardcopy and/or an
electronic version of your written assignment, which should be an example of an original, acceptable
piece of scholarly work and follow the minimum/maximum page range indicated in the assignment details. Your electronic file must have the following name “surname_initial_assignment name_date.”
Your written assignment must include the following information:
a cover page that states:
o your name
o course title/name/number
o your student I.D. #
o title of assignment
o Submission date of assignment
• Times New Roman font, 12 point font
• 1” margin, double-spaced
• paginated (numbered)
• APA format, 6th edition.
You are responsible for keeping a back-up copy of all your written work.
Please refer to the APA Manual or the Purdue OWL website for formatting details. Alternatively,
consult the MSVU Writing Centre for citation and writing support.
Research Paper Instructions: Assignment Checklist
Check off each step as you work through it, in order to ensure that all steps have been
completed correctly. If you have questions as you work through the steps, ask before/after
Choose a topic that we discussed in class that you are interested in from Sections 6-9 (see a
suggested list of topics in the outline assignment instructions document on Moodle but feel
free to choose something different). Start searching for resources on the topic to use to build
your paper and see if there is enough published information about the topic to write the
paper. Create a research question that can be answered through the published research in
the field. If you’re not sure if you have chosen an appropriate research question, email me
your question BEFORE you submit your paper outline.
Review your scholarly sources, reading each one and taking notes of the points you
want to use in your paper. Relying on too many direct quotations will also result in
grade deductions. Please include references to show where you get your information
from. To avoid plagiarism, it helps to take your notes in your own words, paraphrasing
the journal articles.
Complete and submit your the outline for your paper, including the reference list of your
sources. It will be the map for your paper. See the document on Moodle with specific
instructions for completing your paper outline (due February 27, 2019)
Get writing! Your paper should clearly state your research question, have a c
Introduction to Gerontology FSGN 1101
introduction, main body (with sub-topics) and a conclusion, all clearly marked by
headings. Common mistake: Remember that we do not introduce new topics or
ideas in the conclusion section of a paper.
Write and revise. Writing a research paper should not be a one-time process. Begin
early and come back to your work. It will be important to read through your paper to
gain a perspective on what you may have missed, or what you have repeated. It can
be helpful to read your paper out loud; it allows you to hear when sentences sound
awkward. Let a friend/fellow classmate/parent read your paper and give feedback.
Proofread, proofread, and proofread. Losing marks for grammar, typos and incorrect
formatting is completely avoidable.
Edit your work. Be sure that your entire assignment, including citations, is written in
American Psychological Association (APA) format. The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) is an incredibly useful source for students new to APA. Be sure that your assignment abides by the formatting rules above.
Upload your assignment to Moodle. Your assignment will be graded.
Academic Integrity: Plagiarism
Plagiarism is presenting someone else’s words or ideas obtained from any source, including
the Internet, as though they were one’s own. Specific offences include, but are not limited
to, the following:
1. Using copied material without enclosing that material in quotation marks and/or
without appropriately acknowledging its source;
2. Paraphrasing or summarizing the original wording too closely;
3. Omitting acknowledgment of the source of paraphrases and summaries;
4. Submitting work that has been written in full or in part by someone else.
Mount Saint Vincent University Undergraduate Academic Calendar Section 2.2.16
ONE Outline for Writing a Research Paper
1) Introduction: Begin with a thesis statement. In one clear sentence state the focus of your paper.
a) Key points (have at least three, but no more than five)
i) state each main point that you’ll be making in the paper
ii) If appropriate give a rationale as to why this topic is important
2) Body: Outline the topic sentence and supporting research for each point you’ll be covering in the
paper, beginning with point #1 stated in the introduction. Use connecting ideas to link to the next
concept or characteristics
a) Point 1 – topic sentence i
Introduction to Gerontology FSGN 1101
i) Research concept
(1) Supporting idea(s)
(2) Connect to next concept
ii) Research concept
(1) Supporting idea(s)
(2) Connect to next concept
iii) Research concept
(1) Supporting idea(s)
(2) Connect to next topic idea
b) Point 2 – topic sentence idea
i) Research concept
(1) Supporting idea(s)
(2) Connect to next concept
ii) Research concept – continue format as outlined above
iii) Research concept – continue format as outlined above
c) Point 3 – topic sentence idea and continue format as outlined above
d) Point 4 – topic sentence idea and continue format as outlined above
e) Point 5 – topic sentence idea and continue format as outlined above
i) Research concept – continue format as outlined above
ii) Research concept – continue format as outlined above
iii) After last point is made and supported, create a transition to summary and conclusion
3) Summary paragraph: Create a key summary sentence that declares a wrap-up of concepts to
begin this paragraph.
a) Follow the summary sentence with clear sentences that summarize each of the main ideas
that have been discussed in the body of the paper.
i) Summary of point 1
ii) Summary of point 2
iii) Summary of point 3
iv) Summary of point 4
v) Summary of point 5
4) Conclusion: Transition to the ending of your paper and final thoughts in a paragraph.
5) Reference page: Present your references in alphabetical order by last name (see APA format
online and note examples from Reference section in back of textbook). Remember to cite all of
your references in the body of your text following a summary concept or quote and double check
to make sure you include all sources referenced in your Reference list.
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