Issue Assessment of Natural Resource Defense Council

Issue Assessment of the Natural Resource Defense council Frances Beinecke, the former President of the Natural Resource Defense council once said, “The science tells us that if we fail to reduce global warming pollution, global temperatures will rise to dangerous levels and unleash devastat[ion]…” (BrainyQuote, n.d).

Issue Assessment of Natural Resource Defense Council
Issue Assessment of Natural Resource Defense Council

According to her quote, Miss Beinecke is saying that global warming has dangerous implications on nature. namely on public infrastructure, public health, and on the public food supply. This section will highlight the strength & weaknesses, contributions & limitations, challenges & concerns, and the short & long term impacts in each component.

Issue Assessment of Natural Resource Defense Council and the Public Infrastructure

According to CBS news (2018), natural disasters cost the U.S. an estimated record of $306 billion in 2017. These disasters wreck havoc on nature and are a result of global warming. For example, because global warming causes an increase in water temperature, this increases the frequency and strength of hurricanes. As a result, there are frequent flooding and damaging winds that has a negative impact on public infrastructure. A recent example is the effect that hurricane Harvey had on Houston, Texas. This hurricane caused $125 billion in damages according to the Natural Hurricane Center (Amade, 2018).
Strength & Weakness. Furthermore, by funding the fortification of public infrastructure it will strengthen these infrastructures resilience to certain natural disasters caused by global warming. According to Chang (2014), when infrustructures are more resiliant to such natural disasters, there is a reduction in death, damage & debris, and a reduction of risk. This should be enough reason for policy makers to advocate for such funding.

Issue Assessment of Natural Resource Defense Council Weakness

Adversely, a weakness would be not having the appropriate funding to fix these infrustructures. This would result in a negative impact such as loss of life, an impact on public budget, and public distrust. An example can be seen in the 2005 Hurricane Katrina scare. Because the levies in the dam were worn out, this caused the dam not to close properly. Thus, millions of life were lost.
Contributions & Limitations.
Challenges & Concerns.
Short & Long Term Impact.
Strength & Weakness.
Contributions & Limitations.
Challenges & Concerns.
Short & Long Term Impact.
Food Supply
Strength & Weakness.
Contributions & Limitations.
Challenges & Concerns.
Short & Long Term Impact.
Summary of reviewed Theoretical & Policy Background
Analysis/Assessment of Study
Suggestion for Future studies of similar topic

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