Issues in Trans and Feminist Activism Complete an approximately 300-500 word online portfolio (notes) entry based on the set questions and the reading.
Aspects you could reflect on are:
Summarize key points of the reading(s)
Aspects you found interesting/agreed with
Aspects you disagreed with/felt were less convincing
Further questions that the reading(s) provoked
What do you think are the issues for feminist and trans activism in the 21st Century?
What is the relationship between feminism and Tran’s activism?
In ‘What’s wrong with Trans rights’ Dean Spade argues that “In a neoliberal era characterized by abandonment (reduction of social safety nets and infrastructure, especially in poor and people of colour communities) and imprisonment (increased immigration and criminal law enforcement), anti-discrimination laws provide little relief to the most vulnerable people”. Do you agree?
Who is allowed to be a victim in Travis Alabanza’s account of their experiences of stepping outside?