IT or Telecom Project Risk Management

IT or Telecom Project Risk Management Imagine you are leading an Information Technology or Telecom Project and you need to understand various aspects of the risk management.

IT or Telecom Project Risk Management
IT or Telecom Project Risk Management

Define the term ‘risk’ first and then risk management in your own words with an example.

IT or Telecom Project Risk Management and Impact of Internal and External Risks to the Project

Would you say that risk is more at the beginning of the project, middle of the project or at the end of the project? Why?
Identify two internal and two external risks and describe their impact on the project. What is your action plan to mitigate these risks? Have you heard of ‘Risk Appetite”? What is it? Briefly describe how to compute the risk appetite? Can you guess the typical risk appetite (in $) for small, medium and a large corporation?

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