Jane Tompkins Essay on Sentimental Power Evaluate

Jane Tompkins Essay on Sentimental Power Evaluate Uncle Tom’s Cabin using Jane Tompkins’s essay “Sentimental Power” as a critical lens.

Jane Tompkins Essay on Sentimental Power Evaluate
Jane Tompkins Essay on Sentimental Power Evaluate

Explore Tompkins’s claims and use the novel to substantiate or question those claims’ validity.

Your submission must be at least 1000 words in length, and it must incorporate at least one primary source (though in the first option you’ll obviously want to use more) and at least three substantive secondary sources that come from the library databases (not websites). You should use proper MLA formatting, including heading, parenthetical citations, and works cited page.

Your essay must be saved as a Word 97-03 document or as an RTF file. If it is not, it will be counted late and not accepted.

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