Jim Crow laws and policies Paper Available

Jim Crow laws and policies
Jim Crow laws and policies

Jim Crow laws and policies

Jim Crow laws and policies

The book is called: The new Jim Crow: Mass incarceration in the age of colorblindness:

include answers to these questions:

What was the impact of Jim Crow laws and policies on the lives of black people in the South before the Civil Rights Movement? How does this relate to the status of blacks today?

Under which president did the War on Drugs begin? In what ways was it part of a political strategy rather than an anti-crime program? How did these strategy enable racial bias? What role did federal funding have in focusing the War on Drugs on black, urban poor people?

Discuss the ways in which the Supreme Court allowed racial bias to flourish in the War on Drugs? How does the interpretation of law affect implementation of policy? What could affect the variation?

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