Karl Marx’s theories of political economy

Karl Marx’s theories of political economy
   Karl Marx’s theories of political economy

Karl Marx’s theories of political economy and ‘estranged’ (alienated) labor

What are Karl Marx’s theories of political economy and ‘estranged’ (alienated) labor? In other words,
how, in a Marxian sense, does society function? What exactly is a Marxist interpretation of history?
(You absolutely should employ terms such as economic determinism, alienation, division of labor,
class struggle, communism, humanism, etc.) Conversely, how do some of the critical theorists
whose works we read complicate and push back against Marx’s relatively myopic vision of human
agency? (There are many ways to answer this question: Sara Ahmed argues both that one can be
alienated in society based on their sexual orientation and that material objects serve to orientate
(rather than alienate) us in this world. Mikhail Bakunin accused Marx of seeking to create a political
hierarchy similar to that of absolutist monarchs. Allan G. Johnson adds the crucial layers of race and
gender to Marxian analysis. Eleanor Marx prodded her father to consider the extent to which gender
itself is a system of power that is perhaps just as oppressive and ‘unnatural’ as capitalism.) Whom,
to your mind, offers the most important critique(s) of Marx’s work? Finally, are Marx’s ideas still
relevant today in 2019? Do we see evidence of Marxian alienation in the work of Barbara
What can be done to lessen the alienation of workers from themselves, their fellow humans, and the
natural world within the capitalist system?

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