Key Issues in Black Atlantic Research Paper Write a research paper on a person or issue covered over the semester as it relates to the course theme and readings

While reading the course materials and watching the lectures, keep in mind that as this course is a survey of how African-descended people from the United States addressed major issues of concern regarding important political and social issues.
Key Issues in Black Atlantic Research Paper
While considering research topics, please keep in mind that this is NOT a history class. We are examining the authors’ discussions, thoughts, and ideas about the major problems of their day. The information contained in the course materials can be used to help you understand how you should be thinking about your research topics. This requires making a clear and explicit thesis or argument in your introduction as well as providing evidence and analysis throughout the paper that supports your thesis/argument.”
Key Issues in Black Atlantic Research Paper
While reading and watching the class materials, keep in mind how race, social class, migration, social problems, leadership, and activism influence how the writers think about the issues of their day.
Also, consider how gender, spirituality/religion, culture (including, but not limited to literature, music, and fine arts), and national identity influence these perspectives.
While you read the texts, ask yourself the following questions:
How did the authors explore the social problems of their day?
What were their main arguments regarding the problems?
Who were the major players in the discussions of the problems?
What did they argue and why?
Are there critiques of the individual you are examining?
Key Issues in Black Atlantic Research Paper
What are those critiques?
Do those critiques add to the conversation on the problems?
How does the author respond to the critiques?
Are there distinctions among the major discussants that are of particular import?
Are there any other influences that impacted reactions to the problem?
Are there any discussions or arguments regarding the problem that we can point to in today’s discussions, thoughts and ideas of problems of oppression and privilege?
Key Issues in Black Atlantic Research Paper
Remember you need three in-class academic sources, three non-class academic sources, and then any other sources you’ll need (newspaper articles, YouTube, news media, poetry, biographies etc) to analyze your topic. The librarian can help with what is and isn’t an academic source.
Many of you are coming to me with fantastic ideas. This is how you want to structure your paper (more or less):
Intro: What’s the topic (think broadly)? What is your claim (be explicit about what you’re trying to say!)? Why is it important (beyond just you!)? And what are you going to analyze (the materials)?
Sub-topic 1: What is being analyzed? Give evidence. Analyze and interpret (don’t assume your reader will understand it the same way you will). Tell your reader why it supports your claim.
Sub-topic 2: repeat
Sub-topic 3: repeat
Conclusion: Bring us home. What is the paper about? What does this tell us? Suggest new directions that they might give perspective on.
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