Knowledge management case study

Knowledge management case study
Knowledge management case study

Knowledge management case study

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Knowledge Management Case Study
Knowledge management is more than clusters of relational databases, humming along to the tune of the organization’s strategic plan. It is about aligning information technology tools with organizational strategy, about understanding the organization, its environment, and its people.
Two case studies from the articles located below in the resources section, one authored by Yilmaz and the other by Cox, take very different approaches to the problem of implementing a knowledge management system. Yilmaz examines an international firm that has no contact at all with the end customer and takes up the problem of knowledge sharing, transfer, and the prerequisites necessary to facilitate the successful implementation of a KM system. Cox takes up the case of Xerox and the development of a commercial database system.
After reading both cases, prepare a 5- to 7-page analysis, fully documented and cited in APA format, that answers the following questions:
• What were the organizational objectives that were “solved” by the implementation of knowledge management in each case? What obstacles were faced and how were they overcome?
• How does the problem of “knowledge,” as raised by Cox, relate to the issues with the Eureka system? To what degree is this a persistent problem for organizations? Using additional resources, address the question of “organizational knowledge” as a definitional problem as well as a logistical one.
• How do attitudes within the organization, as well as the structure of the organization itself, impact the successful implementation of a KM system? How are these attitudinal issues best resolved?
Its important to clearly indicate all the different responses in your paper for easy understanding of your analyses

Resources to read and use to complete the paper
• Mohamed, M., Stankosky, M., & Murray, A. (2006). Knowledge management and information technology: Can they work in perfect harmony? Journal of Knowledge Management, 10(3). Retrieved from ABI/INFORM global database.

The authors address the distinction between the functions of information technology and the objectives of knowledge management and raise the question: are these two processes compatible?
• Yilmaz, Y. (2007). Pre-analysis process for knowledge management: A case study in a building materials company. VINE, 37(1). Retrieved from ABI/INFORM global database.

This article reviews how knowledge management (KM) methods can be implemented in organizations effectively and also provides a framework to explain how knowledge-based process analyses can be applied.
• Cox, A. (2007). Reproducing knowledge: Xerox and the story of knowledge management. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 5(1). Retrieved from ABI/INFORM global database.

This article presents information on discursive transformations at Xerox, explaining that how knowledge is represented and what knowledge management might mean are heavily influenced by vested corporate interests. It also stresses the need to capture complexity in case studies if they are to promote a realistic or critical understanding of the organization


Knowledge Management Case Study

In the present day world, KM has a huge role in enhancing employee proficiency, operations efficiency, cost mitigation, and promoting a company’s image. It also helps in formulating attainable goals as well as an elaborate implementation framework. This paper aims at analyzing two case studies on KM; Turkish multinational and Xerox. The case studies are greatly insightful since they exemplify KM systems alignment to organizational objectives as well as different challenges that are experienced during the implementation process (Mohamed, Stankosky & Murray, 2006).

Organizational objectives that were “solved” by the implementation of knowledge management

Turkish multinational

Both the Xerox and Turkish multinational have features of distinct organizational objectives. It is evident that KM systems were useful in solving different organizational objectives in the two entities. According to the Turkish International Company’s analytical framework, one of its pertinent objectives is minimizing shipment costs. There is use of the KM systems’ framework so as to promote minimization of shipment costs to overseas customers. To ensure low shipment costs for the products, the company uses KM systems in evaluating appropriate platforms for averting high costs (Yilmaz, 2007).

Moreover, KM systems implementation enabled Turkish multinational to transfer a bigger shipment costs’ percentage to customers. Another organizational objective is the customers’ needs evaluation. Since the company has an expansive base of customers for its products both internationally and domestically, the company aims at excellently understanding the different customers’ needs. Therefore, the company utilized various KM systems’ platforms to achieve this (Yilmaz, 2007). The company utilizes KM systems in determining if the products the customers need are in stock. In case there are some materials not present in the stock, the novel components are included in the production system immediately. Such a KM framework bolstered the blueprint of the organization for satisfying the different customers’ requirements both internationally and domestically (Yilmaz, 2007).


KM systems’ implementation is narrowed down so as to solve different organizational objectives. One of the outstanding organizational goals is rebranding. Xerox considers the rebranding framework to be a pertinent approach for bolstering competitiveness standards. In reference to the case study’s insights, there is a strong emphasis on KM systems so as to cater relevant rebranding standards. In relation to these perspectives, Xerox came up with a perfect blueprint for transforming its framework for management of information. According to Orr, the company relied on storytelling for information management but this was linked to numerous inefficiencies (Cox, 2007). As a result of this, the company increasingly adopted Eureka platforms within KM framework. The Eureka platforms were significantly more technical as opposed to the traditional storytelling approach. The escalated Eureka system integration bolstered the KM standards in the workforce of the company.

IT components’ integration in the organizational operations was another vital objective for Xerox. The company used KM systems as the vital stepping stone for IT efficiency enhancement across various units. While IT was a vital integration aspect into organizational operations, there was a need to determine the bet implementation platforms. The company was therefore able to use suitable software and hardware components across different departments. The company was hence able to achieve core competitiveness goals (Cox, 2007).

The obstacles and how they were solved

To Xerox, the organizational culture change was a major obstacle. It was mitigated through sensitizing the employees regarding the significance of utilizing the technical approach to the organizational information systems. The major obstacle that the Turkish multinational faced was lack of direct contacts with the overseas customers. This was solved through using marketing and sales entities who bridged the gap between the customers and company.

How the problem of “knowledge,” as raised by Cox, relate to the issues with the Eureka system and the prevalence of the problems in organizations

Cox has raised a number of aspects that are connected to the knowledge challenge. One of the notable challenges that Cox exemplifies relates to authenticity. The challenge is persistent based on the fact that a majority of the researchers based KM systems on past studies, which undermines originality standards that these researchers attain. This challenge massively relates to the Eureka system’s framework. Knowledge should validated formally since this fosters the achievement of the best originality standards.

The second challenge touches on oral perspectives. In cases where knowledge is passed orally, manipulation and distortion are highly likely. Moreover, vital details can be lost easily in interpretation or translation of knowledge. There is a strong link between this challenge and the Eureka system. Knowledge should be provided in structured databases and encoded, which massively prevents potential distortion. Cox emphasizes that generalization of information is a critical challenge.

Based on the Eureka system’s framework, information needs to be individualistic. As such, relevant solutions can be sought for every problem. From a varying standpoint, there is a great need to evaluate the persistence of these challenges across the organization. Essentially, the knowledge problems’ persistence degree is strongly based on the management systems an organization uses. For example, change management should be accompanied by effective platforms.

At the organizational level, the transformational leader has great potential to cope with different KM challenges. On the contrary, the various issues that are linked to Eureka system may be highly prevalent in organizations having rigid leadership structures. The extensive information technology systems’ implementation in the present-day organizations is a vital factor that positively contributes towards KM systems’ enhancement. Information technology possesses excellent components that can bolster the KM systems’ framework based on varying organizational requirements (Cox, 2007).

Founded on these attributes, organizations that use effective ICT frameworks face less knowledge problems. IT greatly helps an organization to identify the best Eureka system’s aspects that can be integrated in the operational blueprint. The employees’ competence is a vital attribute as it greatly influences knowledge problems’ persistence in organizations. A workforce that is highly competent can easily assimilate KM changes.

“Organizational knowledge” as a definitional and logistical problem

The issue on organizational knowledge may be analyzed as a definitional or logistical challenge. From the definitional standpoint, various forms of interpretations characterize organizational knowledge. Although some entities interpret it inaccurately, some organizations do it accurately (Maier, 2004). The interpretive framework’s efficiency determines the companies’ ability to avert the various knowledge implementation challenges. From the logistical viewpoint, the issue on organizational knowledge is influenced massively by the organizational leaders’ competence to implement the KM systems.

Effect of organizational attitudes and structure on the successful KM system implementation

KM systems implementation is influenced massively by attitudes and organizational structure in a company.

Organizational structure

The leadership systems greatly determine the effectiveness of the whole implementation phase. While some systems of leadership support KM strongly, others are less concerned. In essence, supportive leadership systems offer the best implementation environment since there is excellent KM systems’ implementation standards as opposed to unsupportive leadership systems (Maier, 2004).

It is primarily pertinent that the systems for decision making are concomitant with immense KM implementation requirements. For example, the platforms for decision making should offer an exceptional framework for defining and interpreting organizational knowledge. High decision making standards are incredibly vital in bolstering the KM systems’ outcomes.

The leader-employee relationships are very useful in shaping the efficiency achieved following KM systems’ implementation. There is a great need for excellent communication frameworks between the employee and leader. Communication inefficacies definitely have a negative influence on the implementation process (Fernandez, 2010).


If employees have positives attitudes in relation to different KM systems, excellent efficiency levels are achieved from KM systems use across an organization. In this regard, organizational leaders have a great role in boosting the employees’ attitudes towards KM systems. The leaders should also set proper working precedent in regard to the different KM systems’ stipulations. As a result, other employees are motivated towards embracing changes.

Resolving attitudinal issues

There are a number of strategies that an organization can integrate in its efforts to mitigate different structural and attitudinal issues. It is important to promote the employees’ awareness about the vital KM systems’ role in an organization. Leaders should be at the front position in promoting acceptable KM systems in all departments. Using information technology goes a long way in strengthening organizational structures so as to enhance integration on the most relevant KM systems. There is also a need to set aside sufficient resources for implementing KM systems in the organization (Fernandez, 2010).


Cox, A. (2007). Reproducing knowledge: Xerox and the story of knowledge management. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, 5:3-12

Fernandez, I. B. (2010). Knowledge management: Systems and processes. Armonk, NY:   M. E. Sharpe Inc.

Maier, R. (2004). Knowledge management systems. New York, NY: Springer Publishers

Mohamed, M., Stankosky, M., & Murray, A. (2006). Knowledge management and information technology: Can they work in perfect harmony? Journal of Knowledge Management, 10(3). Retrieved from ABI/INFORM global database.

Yilmaz, Y. (2007). Pre-analysis process for knowledge management. The Journal of Information and Knowledge Management Systems, 37(1).

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