Leader, Manager, Follower

 Leader, Manager, Follower

Complete the following exercise posting your answers into the discussion board forum.  

Using the definitions/descriptions (lesson introduction above, supplemented by text and another scholarly source) of leadership, management, and followership, imagine that you are faced with a critically ill patient whose family members are spread throughout the country. Some family members will not leave the patient’s side, whereas others are calling the patient care unit incessantly, taking time away from other patient care responsibilities. You recognize the family’s care and concern, yet you want to move from a reactive stance to a proactive position. How would you engage in solving this problem? In the approach, please outline the role of the leader, manager, and follower. In which role would you be most comfortable? Least comfortable? Which role(s) would lead to the best outcome? 
(Adapted from Yoder-Wise, 2014)
You must include at least one reference for this initial post (different than what is provided in the course) and cite it in the text of your post. (APA format for citations and reference). Due 9/2/2022 by midnight (see course schedule for dates).

*Keep in mind that all nurses work within these three roles, sometimes all three roles in any given shift. So when you see the term “manager” or “leader”, this is not in relation to any specific job title, this is the manager and leader within each of you. Job positions should not enter this discussion.

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