Leadership Appreciative Inquiry Paper

Leadership Appreciative Inquiry
Leadership Appreciative Inquiry

Leadership Appreciative Inquiry

Leadership Appreciative Inquiry

The student is required to conduct ‘Appreciative Inquiry’ interviews of two public sector or nonprofit sector leaders they admire and then write a paper describing the key themes of each interview, the common themes between the two, how the themes relate to concepts, models, theories as presented in Cooper and Johnson texts.

Grading will be in accordance with Rubric B. The paper should be no longer than 7 pages. It should also include in-text citations and a reference section in APA format.

Make up the interviews and use the attached documents to help guide what is needed. PLEASE JSUT USE THE ATTACHED DOCUMENTS AS A GUIDE, THEY ARE NOT TO BE ANSWERED AND SUBMITTED AS THE PAPER. Name of person and the company does not have to provided but the “interviewee” needs to be from the Public Sector field. This is obviously all made up but please follow directions.

1. Teleological Ethics
2. Deontological Ethics
3. Virtue Ethics
4. Justice/Fairness
5. Altruism

Based on the content of the paper it is clear the student engaged in a robust conversation with the interviewees and effectively used the interview questions and follow-up probing questions to draw stories from the leader.

The student clearly and concisely reported the content of the two interviews with depth of understanding.

The student provided excellent integration of Cooper/Johnson concepts, models, and theories.

In the written narrative, the student clearly highlights and summarizes the themes of the interviews.

The written material is clear, concise and well understood. The student properly cites all references in APA format, including a bibliography.

Frank J. Barrett and Ronald Fry, Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Approach to Building Organizational Capacity. Taos Institute Publications. 2008 Second Printing. ISBN-13:978-0-7880-2163-3

Terry L. Cooper, The Responsible Administrator: An Approach to Ethics for the Administrative Role, 5th edition, San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2006 ISBN-13:978-0-7879-7651-4

Craig E. Johnson, Meeting the Ethical Challenges of Leadership: Casting Light or Shadow 6th Edition. LA, Ca.: Sage Publications ISBN: 978-1-5063-2163-9

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