Leadership Journal Research Paper Out

Leadership Journal Research Paper
Leadership Journal Research Paper
Leadership Journal Research Paper

Leadership Journal Research Paper

This is a Journal based upon the the Text “Leadership” Enhancing the lessons of experience Text Book.
On paragraph per 2 chapters, e.g. Chapters 1 and 2 = one paragraph; Chapters 2 and 3 = one paragraph, chapters 3 and 4 = one paragraph…
Thank you and please let me know if you require anything further.
Hints: You may organize your Blog Journal any way you wish. Two common ways would be by topic or chronologically. Be sure to engage the Blog early and often each learning week. The intent of this learning activity is to give you an opportunity to explore and reflect on HPL related topics of your choice–e.g.: something you learned or found interesting. Just think of this like a journal type Blog on HPL that you find very interesting and want to add postings and comments to chronicle your increasing knowledge of HPL during the course.
Note: Please feel free to contact me should you have questions! Good luck…
Additional Journal Instructions for Students
Five percent of your grade will be determined by maintaining a personal HPL journal throughout the semester. Your journal will consist of a number of entries that reflect your personal HPL observations or experiences relating to a particular topic of HPL. For example, if one of the topics in the course concerns punishment, and a sample journal entry may concern a personal episode where you were punished and how you reacted to the punishment. This entry might also discuss how the punishment was administered, whether or not you thought the punishment was administered in an effective manner, and what you would have done (or would do now) if faced with a similar situation.
Some of the journal entries are open; they may involve anything relevant to the topic of HPL. Other entries will specifically address topics that will be identified for you. These directed entries will require you to give your personal reactions or HPL observations about a particular HPL topic. In all cases, use specific examples and do your best to link your HPL observations and experiences to specific concepts from the course. You may include materials from outside of class (e.g., cartoons, magazine articles) that highlight specific issues or examples that involve good or bad individual or group performances, or HPL behaviors you did not understand.
All journal entries should be kept in a consolidated format (e.g., a spiral notebook–or in our case a Web Log) used only for journal entries; it should not be used for regular class notes. Moreover, each journal entry should be titled with a specific HPL topic and should be dated.
There are several reasons we want you to keep a journal. First, journals reinforce an active learning approach to HPL by encouraging reflection about yourself and those around you. Journals provide an opportunity to respond in a personal way to ideas about HPL in the readings, class activities, the media, or expressed in personal conversations. Second, journals provide a record of "raw data" that you can return to later and view through the alternative perspectives discussed later in the course. Third, we will use your entries to gauge your opinions of the course and your understanding of various HPL topics. This feedback will help us to improve the course in the future.
There is no required length of journal entry. Quality is as important as quantity. The quality of a journal entry will partly be a function of your ability to relate HPL topics to your own experiences and HPL observations. However, because any HPL situation can be explained using a variety of perspectives, the quality of your journal entries will also depend on your ability to look at HPL phenomena using multiple perspectives. Your entries will be treated confidentially and your journal will be cached online and reviewed periodically

Leadership Journal Research Paper.

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