Leadership Reflection Journal Assignment Help

Leadership Reflection Journal
             Leadership Reflection Journal

Leadership Reflection Journal

Order Instructions:

Purpose: This journal should be written in the first person and should be critically reflective. As such, you will discuss the most important concepts that you have learned throughout the week and how those concepts may be applied to your leadership career.

Assignment Description: Your Leadership Reflection Journal should exhibit personal reflection of your present leadership competencies and also possible adjustments that could be made to your leadership approach. Importantly, your Journal entry should be in light of the various concepts that have in covered each week in the course. Also of importance, the Leadership Reflection Journal should be far beyond a mere casual discussion. It should demonstrate a high level of understanding and should also provide adequate integration of authoritative sources as assigned for reading each week.

The key term to is in the assignment are

Interpersonal skills
Management functions
Management roles
Workforce diversity
Workplace environment
Interpersonal skills
Management functions
Organizational behavior


During the past week there are several important lessons and insights I have got with respect to leadership. I have got to learn about specific concepts that actually make the leader more effective in achieving his goals and those of the larger group. While we learnt several concepts, three stood out for me and I see myself applying them in my leadership career. The three management concepts are not taken independently but rather with elements of other concepts that we discussed. The Three main ideas I took were workforce diversity, the importance of planning and also interpersonal skills.

I value these three aspects of leadership because I believe they are the key to resolving the problems that the world is facing today as well as in the distant future. I have come to appreciate the importance of a diverse workforce because it brings in new ideas and also provides a wealth of experience based on different problem solving strategies. Furthermore, having a diverse workforce gives the organization I am leading an edge when it comes to the reach it has (Wrench, 2008).

Planning, especially in its proactive sense is an important thing for any serious leader.  I like achieving the goals that I have set and this cannot happen by chance. It means that I have to consider the goal and relate it to the team I have at hand, making arrangements that maximize on the strengths we have towards the achievement of goals (Anderson et al, 2008).

Interpersonal skills are important to me because they come into play in the planning and diversification aspects of leadership. I need to form quality working relationships with the people I am leading. At the same time, interpersonal skills will help me to develop functional teams that are properly coordinated and well-structured for the tasks at hand (Martin and Dowson, 2009).


Anderson, D. W., Krajewski, H. T., Goffin, R. D., & Jackson, D. N. (2008). A leadership self-efficacy taxonomy and its relation to effective leadership. The Leadership Quarterly, 19(5), 595-608.

Martin, A. J., & Dowson, M. (2009). Interpersonal relationships, motivation, engagement, and achievement: Yields for theory, current issues, and educational practice. Review of educational research79(1), 327-365.

Wrench, J. (2008). Diversity management and discrimination: Immigrants and ethnic minorities in the EU. Human Resource Management International Digest, 16(4).

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