Learning activity
Please review the instructions and relevant readings and then complete the assignment.
Instructions for Week Four Learning Activity:
1. The weekly learning activities constitute (five) percent of your final grade.
Please review the grading rubric and provide detailed (comprehensive) responses in the assignment.
2. Utilize the APA citation method to provide in-text citation in your assignment.
1. To avoid the risk of plagiarism, specify the relevant pages (pages) to support your references.
2. Providing a list of references at the end of your assignment does not indicate where/how they were utilized.
3. Return to the class after your initial posting/responses to review the comments and questions relating to your assignment.
Provide follow-up responses and respond to any questions/clarifications from the instructor.
4. Provide detailed responses in the class discussions, and avoid using complimentary terms (for example. I like your presentation; Great Summary; You identified all the main points.)
These comments do not in anyway enhance the discussion or demonstrate your understanding of the required readings.
5. Expressing Your Personal Opinions in Your Presentations:
The expression of different perspectives can indeed enhance the quality of the class presentations and discussions.
However, your presentations are required to demonstrate an understanding and application of the concepts in the readings to the specific scenarios.
Therefore, your presentations should largely be substantive.
You can offer your opinions when responding to the presentations of other class members or to specific questions.
1. Do not start your presentation with a personal opinion, unless it is supported (substantiated) by your work experience (s) and studies/other analyses that you can reference.
2. You can include matters relating to your personal opinions, but only at the end of your presentation, and after you have addressed the substantive requirements of the assignment.
1. Post your assignment no later than midnight on Thursday, February 7, 2019.
2. Post your initial responses in the class discussion by midnight on Friday, February 8, 2019.
3. Post follow-up responses and complete the assignment by midnight on Sunday, February 10, 2019.
Learning Activity:
The men in the class should take the position that the following statement is true, while the women will support the false position. Defend you position by using the class material to support your response. Your responses to others this week must focus on the opposite side of the argument than your initial post. Hence, the it is the battle of the sexes.
Technology today has focused knowledge on data collection while ignoring the importance of human influence on knowledge management.
All grading is based on how strongly you support your analysis, synthesis, evaluation and reflection with reasoned conclusions based on the class material and discussion. All posts should be rich in content. I think, I feel, I believe, or my opinion are not to be used. Opinions may be asked for in a question but your reply must suggest the answer is concluded from the support of the material on the class. I agree and Great post without explaining why it is a great post based on the material, is not adding value to the class discussion.
APA citations must be used in all posts not just the initial post.
Your comments must relate back to the readings. Comment on at least two of your classmates’ postings per learning activity. (e.g. if you have two learning activities in one week the minimal number of posts should total 6) Your initial posting is due by midnight Wednesday. Your comment on your classmates’ postings is due by midnight Friday. Follow up is due Sunday at 11:59 PM. When a classmate makes a comment on your posting, you should reply to that comment. Plan on using Sunday to provide final replies to each other.
Learning Activity #1
The men in the class should take the position that the following statement is true, while the women will support the false position. Defend you position by using the class material to support your response. Your responses to others this week must focus on the opposite side of the argument than your initial post. Hence, the it is the battle of the sexes.
Technology today has focused knowledge on data collection ignoring the importance of human influence on knowledge management.
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