Learning disability in the UK
- The prevalence rate of learning disability in the UK population is
estimated to be ……
A 2 – 3%
B 12 – 13%
C 21 – 23%
- Complete the following statement.
The prevalence rates of learning disability in the male population compared to female population is…….
A Slightly less
B The same
C Slightly higher
- Complete the following statement.
Recording of learning disability can be problematic because …..
A There are too many computer systems in use.
B The vast majority of learning disability is not detectable at birth.
C Records are not updated to show when people recover from learning disability.
- Which statement completes the sentence? The cause of learning disability is…………….
A Unknown in 50% of people with severe learning disability and 25%
of people with profound learning disability
B Unknown is about 25% of people with mild learning disability and
50% of people with severe or profound learning disability
C Unknown in about 50% of people with mild learning disability and 25% of people with severe or profound learning disability
- Which of the following are examples of heredity causes of learning disability?
A Maternal health
B Prematurity
C Chromosomal
D Infection
E Parental genotype
F Trauma
G Genetic
- Maternal health can be an environmental cause of learning disability in which of the following stages?
A Pre-conceptual stage
B Prenatal stage
C Perinatal stage
D Postnatal stage
- Autosomal chromosomal abnormalities can be put into which of the following?
A 2 categories
B 3 categories
C 4 categories
- Down syndrome is the most known type of learning disability and is caused by which of the following?
A Childhood infections like meningitis
B Birth trauma
C Chromosomal abnormality
- Which of the following number of main groups can Sex Chromosome abnormalities be divided into?
A 2 main groups
B 3 main groups
C 4 main groups
- Which of the following causes Klinefelter syndrome?
A A sex chromosome abnormality
B An autosomal abnormality
C Toxic agents
- Gene abnormalities come under one of the following.
A 1 type
B 2 types
C 3 types
D 4 types
- Which statement completes the following sentence?
The Mental Capacity Act is a significant law for people with learning disability as ……..………
A it ensures ‘reasonable adjustments’ are made to prevent exclusion
B it ensures that every effort is made to support the person to understand the decision
C it assumes they do not have capacity so decisions can be made on their behalf