Learning & Memory

Learning & Memory

Select ONE of the following essay questions to answer. Your response should fit within TWO double spaced, 12-pt. font, typed pages. In your answer, you should:

  1. Define any terms you use. 
  2. Whichever essay you pick, refer to at least five experiments from lecture or the readings. 
  3. In describing an experiment, specify the design (i.e. the variables, what was manipulated) and the outcome.

Be clear and efficient – staying within the two-page limit is part of the assignment. At the same time, be complete and explicit; we will be grading what you write, not what you were thinking. 

Upload your completed essay into the designated Final Exam assignment in the Assignments tab on Canvas.


  1.  Different kinds of memory are often contrasted in pairs. Select ONE of the following pairs and explain how these two types of memory behave differently, citing the appropriate research to support your characterization:
    1. Recall/Recognition
    1. Explicit/Implicit
    1. Episodic/Semantic
  2. What are false memories, and why might we experience such memory illusions?
  3. How do memory and the self shape each other?
  4. How does remembering with other people differ from remembering alone? What are the benefits and drawbacks of remembering with other people?

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