Letter of Intent Assignment Paper

Letter of Intent
Letter of Intent

Letter of Intent

Letter of Intent

Order Instructions:

To maintain the highest level of excellence in our Doctor of Nursing Practice program we limit the number of applicants admitted for each start date.

Part of the selection process includes reviewing writing samples from prospective students. This writing sample will be reviewed by our DNP Selection Committee.

Once you have completed the writing assignment described below, please forward the Letter of Intent to your enrollment counselor.

· Write a short essay in response to the following four questions:

1. What is your motivation for earning a doctoral degree?

2. What do you envision doing differently when your degree is complete?

3. What is your idea for a topic for your Direct Practice Improvement (DPI) project?

4. Where do you plan to do most of your Practice hours?

· The title of this essay will be: Letter of Intent

· This paper should be at approximately 500 words in length.

· This paper must be written in APA format using Microsoft Word and must include both a cover and reference page.

· Include one reference citation from any source.


Letter of Intent

The major factor that motivates the writer to pursue a nursing doctoral degree is a personal urge to seek knowledge. The learner aspires to acquire more skills and information regarding the nursing profession. This will be a fulfillment of the learner’s dream of identifying with the world’s elite nursing intellectuals. The learner is also motivated by the need to serve the globe at a higher level by gaining competences offered through the doctoral degree.  The writer’s decision to purse the doctorate was also motivated by the needs of the community. The learner identified that the society needed nursing services of increasing levels, as new challenges about health and disease management keep presenting. The writer also acknowledged that acquiring the doctoral degree would lead to increased competitiveness of the graduate in the nursing market and subsequent higher chances of employment in settings of choice (Brailsford, 2010, p. 18). However, the leaner confirms that though the desire to secure employment chances was a crucial motivating factor, the financial gain associated with it was not the primary cause of motivation.

The learner envisions to increasingly get engaged in facilitating knowledge-based nursing. The learner expects gaining more relevance in guiding various processes and decisions entailed in the practice of nursing and health care at large. Again, the student expects that the degree will offer varied knowledge, and such information will apply significantly to critical fields of health care. The student also envisions that specialized knowledge as gained through the doctoral degree will promote job performance. Again, the learner is optimistic that the doctorate will be a source of benefits such as increased competence in critical thinking, problem-solving, ability to take multiple perspectives when visualizing concepts and coming up with decisions, and many other transferable skills (Tzanakou, 2014).

The learner understands that a Direct Practice Improvement (DIP) project should enable doctoral students to apply research-based knowhow to nursing health care practice (MUSC College of Nursing, 2014). Such knowledge is to enable graduates to develop, implement, and monitor interventions. As such, the learner has chosen a topic on the significance of various forms of nursing interventions in impacting on the outcomes realized by patient communities. The topic will facilitate the performance of nurses’ roles in integrating practice with research. Generally, the topic will facilitate the development of improved project outcomes by informing practice decisions accordingly. Again, the topic applies to the learner’s area of interest. It is also important to note that the topic of interest aims at promoting the health of collective populations rather than individual patients. The project idea is also about settling specific health needs expressed by communities as informed by statistics and reliable data.

The learner intends to have most of practice hours in residency. This will involve a dedication of more than 60% of the total project time to clinical work. Again, the learner purposes to dedicate at least a hundred hours of residency to the project. The student also focuses on commencing the project immediately after acquiring formal approval from the institution to get in the residency of choice. The researcher also notes that there may be extension of clinical hours in the residency depending on the issues that present during the scheme. The strategy will see to the maximization of time productivity. Again, a certain amount of time may be transferred between activities depending on the emerging necessities. The learner intends to carry out the clinical part of the project under the guidance of Dr. Myra Celestine who is a nurse educator at Jesse Brown VA Medical Center. Dr. Myra is a holder of a nursing doctoral degree. She has served at the medical center for twenty years, a role she assumed after retiring as a battalion commander in the US Army.


Brailsford, I. (2010). Motives and aspirations for doctoral study: Career, personal, and inter-personal factors in the decision to embark on a history PhD. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 5(2010), 15-28.

MUSC College of Nursing. (2014, July). Doctor of Nursing Practice: The Practice Improvement Program. Retrieved from http://academicdepartments.musc.edu/nursing/administration/studentservices/documents/2014/Practice_Improvement_Project_2014.pdf

Tzanakou, C. (2014). The wider benefits of a PhD. Retrieved from http://www.universityworldnews.com/article.php?story=20140409095727966

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