Letter to Key Stakeholders
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Letter to Key Stakeholder
Identify at least three key stakeholders, individual and/or group, in Washington DC metro area which you consider crucial to the success of your health promotion proposal.
Draft a letter to each key stakeholder asking for “buy-in” regarding your proposal.
• With each letter include a one page discussion supporting your choice for this key stakeholder as crucial to the success of your health promotion proposal.
• You must provide at least two peer reviewed research articles to validate your choices. The research should be within the past 5 years and can be quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods.
• The letter should be professional in appearance and the one page discussion appropriate APA format. Please be certain to include the references at the end of the assignment.
Letter to Key Stakeholders
Stakeholders can be defined as the people or actors who possess vested interest in the policy being promoted. These stakeholders can be grouped into the several categories such as international/donors, national political, (legislators and governors), public social security agency, or labor unions just to mention a few (Fassin, 2009). In the pharmaceutical sector, these are individuals who have vested interest in the sector and aim at ensuring that pharmaceuticals are available and properly used. The physician is the first is the first stakeholders who are at the forefront in ensuring that prescription drugs are not abused in Washington DC’s metro area.
According to the free dictionary by Farlex (2014), a physician is a health professional who has earned a degree in a degree of Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) on completion of an approved course of study in an approved medical school and is licensed to practice medicine and prescribe drugs (Farlex Inc., 2014). Per the NIDA report of 2010, the commonly abused prescription drugs include Opioids prescribed for treating pain and Central Nervous System depressants for treating anxiety and sleep disorders. They also include stimulants prescribed for treating Attention Deficit Hypersensitive Disorder (ADHD) (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2010).
According to NIDA (2010), over 80% of Americans citizens came into contact with a health care professional in the past year; hence physicians are uniquely positioned to prescribe medication and identify abuse of prescription drugs including preventing escalation to and addiction and treat addiction. By about drugs, physicians can help their patients, and other members of the society recognize the existence of a problem, set recovery goals, and appropriate treatment (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2010). Per the report by Emily Babay on the Washington Examiner, Washington D.C is at the top in drug and alcohol abuse in the United States (Babay, 2011). The doctors as indicated above are best positioned to address this issue.
365 Washington, DC Metro
90098 Nicholson Lane, Rockville
Dear Dr. Pete,
I am inviting you to take note and consider together with other physicians in the DC metro area addressing the issue of increasing prescription drug abuse in the area in order to promote healthy lifestyles among the addicts and prospective future addicts. According to the Hall et al. (2010), the abuse of prescription drugs in the United States has reached epidemic proportions. They estimate that in 2009, adolescents and adults with abusing drugs and or having a drug dependency reached 23.2 million (Hall, Hawkinberry, & Moyers-Scott, 2010). According to NSDUH report of 2012, in some of the Washington’s Metro areas, an average of 524,000 people aged 12 years or older used and illicit drug in the past year. This number represented 12% of the MSA populace with 3.4% using non-medical use prescription drugs (SAMHSA, 2012).
NIDA indicates that doctors should take note of the rapid increase in amount of prescription medication needed by some patients and the unscheduled refill requests. In addition, doctors are required to be alert that the addicts may be engaging in “doctor shopping” to obtain multiple prescriptions for drugs of choice. While physicians should not stop prescribing, preventing and stopping drug abuse is a part of patient care and physicians are at the forefront of providing this (Levi, Segal, & Miller, 2013).
It is my suggestion that I have a meeting with a few of your medical fraternity members to investigate the feasibility of the matter. I wrote to the Governor and forwarded the same to the Mayor. I will provide assistance to the extent of my ability.
The second vital stakeholder in reducing prescription drug abuse to promote health is the pharmacist. According to the New World Dictionary for medicine (2014), a pharmacist is a professional that has the responsibility of filling prescriptions and where compounding is necessary, they make the medications. Therefore, a pharmacist is familiar with medications, their ingredients, interactions, and cautions (Medterms, 2014).
According to Chertoff (2014), Pharmacists are some of the most accessible frontline members of delivering healthcare in the community. Therefore, a logical approach to combat the abuse of prescription drugs would be to increase the presence, responsibilities, and role pharmacists play in managing the problem (Chertoff, 2014). The American Society of Health System Pharmacists recognizes that pharmacists possess unique knowledge, responsibilities, and skills that enable them to assume such a central role in prevention, education, and assistance in substance abuse treatment(Chertoff, 2014).
Pharmacists possess the necessary tools and techniques for addressing the prescription abuse problem in Washington, DC. For example, by being watchful for falsifications in prescriptions or any alterations, they can serve as the first in recognizing abuse of prescription drugs (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2010). Moreover, there are Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) that require physicians and pharmacists to log each filled prescription in the State’s database which assists medical professional track individuals filling prescriptions from multiple sources (National Institute on Drug Abuse, 2010).
Pharmacists as providers of healthcare and the stakeholders who are directly involved in the filling of prescriptions and handling the drugs should be involved in an active manner in reducing the deleterious effects that come with substance abuse in the health system and pharmaceutical profession. However, most importantly they should be involved in those drug factors affecting the society at large.
78 Washington, DC Metro
878 Nicholson Lane, Rockville
Dear Mrs. Jackson
I am certain that you have the knowledge of the epidemic nature of drug abuse in the country where estimates in 2009 indicated that the number of adolescents and adults with substance abuse and or dependence reached 23.2 million. A 2012 report by NSDUH reveals that in only some parts the state of Washington, 524,000 aged 12 years or older used an illicit drug including illegal prescription drugs (3.4%) in a year a number that has probably increased today
Given the reports provided by different sources and authors, it is clear that the pharmacist is at a strategic position that can effectively address the problem of prescription drug abuse and addiction. The prevalence of such abuse in the state provides the pharmacist with the opportunity to put his tools and skills as pharmacy educator and promote recovery and hence health among the affected populations. I have also written to the chief physician of the city Dr. Pete requesting him to convene a meeting with other physicians to develop an agenda on how to address the issue. This is an opportunity for the city pharmacists to put their skills into action in order to promote change and healthy living.
It is my believe that providing such quantitative data is a good starting point. I am a nurse and sharing your thoughts through the above email will be highly appreciated.
Thank You,
The final and most crucial stakeholder in promoting recovery and hence health are the rehabilitation facilities. These are the facilities where therapy and training for rehabilitation is provided. Different forms of therapy are provided, for example, occupational and physical therapy and vocational and special training (Holmes, 2012). Drug addiction treatment is offered via a wide range of publicly-funded agencies. In addition, a multidisciplinary task force that usually operates on a 24 hour basis is usually involved in planning and coordination of rehabilitation activities to promote recovery and health (Mitchell & Haroun, 2013).
Rehabilitation centers usually have objectives for treatment of addiction and recovery. These objectives are usually aimed at encouraging the individuals who are drug dependent to avail of treatment and hence reduce the dependency and improve the overall health and well being of the individual that ultimately leads to a drug free lifestyle.
Rehabilitation has proven to be effective in dealing with any form of addiction. For example, a longitudinal study conducted to identify outcomes for a sample of over 400 people receiving treatment for opiate addiction revealed that the response rate for both 3 year follow-ups was high, and patients showed significant improvement. The level of retention was 69% and on those still on treatment and on methadone maintenance therapy 89% (Buckley, 2009).
Since rehabilitation is a multidisciplinary approach, the drug rehabilitation centers can work with the team of physicians, pharmacists, nurses and its task force to admit and treat individuals. This is because they have a conducive environment where recovery can take place.
The Matron
Washington, DC Rehabilitation Centre
678 Washington, DC Metro
34 Nicholson Lane, Rockville
Dear Mrs. Jones,
I believe you are conversant with the increasing case of prescription drug abuse in the country. The number of adolescents and adults with substance abuse and or dependence has been constantly rising. In 2009, it was estimated to be 23.2 million. In Washington a similar case is evident where we have in only a sample of the area approximately 524, 000 people aged 12 years or older having used an illicit drug in the past year. This is according to the report by NSDUH. The use of illegal prescription drugs has been on the rise within this area and was 3.4% in 2012 and seems to be worsening by the day
I have written a letter to the State’s chief physician and suggested to him that he should urgently convene a meeting with a select few of his colleagues and other team members as soon as he can so as to address this issue. I also mentioned to him that i sent you and the city’s chief pharmacist a letter with similar concerns.
As the person in charge of the rehabilitation centre, you are at the pivot of this initiative due to the effectiveness of treating drug dependents and addicts in a rehabilitation setting. The rehabilitation centre has a highly qualified taskforce that if it collaborates with the other stakeholders; we will make a significant health impact in this city.
Kindly email me for any comments and clarifications. I am a nurse, and I will help whenever I can.
Thank You,
Babay, E. (2011, July 31). washingtonexaminer.com. Retrieved June 19, 2014, from Washington Examiner Web site: http://washingtonexaminer.com/d.c.-tops-nation-in-drug-alcohol-abuse/article/116769
Buckley, J. (2009). Drug Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation. Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General, 9-94.
Chertoff, J. L. (2014). A Pharmacist’s Role in the Management of Prescription Drug Abuse. PharmCon Inc. & Pharmaceutical Education Consultants, Inc.
Farlex Inc. (2014). thefreedictionary.com. Retrieved June 19, 2014, from The Free Dictionary Web site: http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/physician
Fassin, Y. (2009). The Stakeholder Model Refined. Journal of Business Ethics, 84, 113–135.
Hall, P. B., Hawkinberry, D., & Moyers-Scott, P. (2010). Prescription Drug Abuse & Addiction: Past, Present and Future:The Paradigm for an Epidemic. West Virginia Medical Journal, 106, 24-30.
Holmes, D. (2012). Prescription Drug Addiction: The Treatment Challenge. Lancet, 379 (9810), 17-8.
Levi, J., Segal, L. M., & Miller, A. F. (2013). Prescription Drug Abuse: Strategies to Stop the Epidemic. Issue Report, 1-64.
Medterms. (2014, June 19). Retrieved June 19, 2014, from MedicineNet.com Web site: http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art.asp?articlekey=11880
Mitchell, D., & Haroun, L. (2013). Introduction to Health Care. New York, NY, United States: Cengage Learning.
National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2010). Prescription Drugs: Abuse and Addiction. NIDA Research Report Series, 1-16.
SAMHSA. (2012). Substance Use and Mental Disorders in the Washington-Arlington-Alexandria MSA. The National Survey on Drug Use and Health Report: Metro Brief, 1-6.
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