Letter to the editor published in your local newspaper

Letter to the editor published in your local newspaper
Letter to the editor published in your local newspaper

Assessment Task Force to respond to the following letter to the editor published in your local newspaper

Order Instructions:

Imagine that the superintendent of your school district( My school district is Broward County) has asked the Assessment Task Force to respond to the following letter to the editor published in your local newspaper. As chairman of the task force, you must spearhead this response.

Write a 150- to 300-word response to the following letter to the editor:

As a taxpaying citizen of Hohum County, I question the extensive amount of time our schools spend on testing. I don’t see the reason for these mandated state tests. What good are they, anyway? Does anyone even look at the test results and do anything about the scores? I doubt it. What a waste of time and money! I think that teachers should teach more and not waste time testing. I think students would learn a lot more if they had more instruction and less testing. Whose idea was it to do all this testing anyway?

– A Concerned Taxpayer

Include the benefits of assessments regarding the following stakeholders:

  • Students
  • Teachers
  • Schools
  • School districts
  • Taxpayers
  • Any others who may help highlight this issue

Describe how assessments may be used to drive school improvement.



In Response:

Thank you for the opportunity to respond to a letter from a concerned tax payer of Hohum County questioning the amount of time schools spent on assessing students through examination tests. As the chairman of the assessment task force from Broward county school district, I would like to hold a contrary opinion and state the benefits of testing during learning.

After conducting a comprehensive study into the matter, my assessment task force has established that assessments are an integral component of active learning since they are used to measure a students’ progress in the learning activities. Assessments also enable teachers to gauge the teaching methods employed in the learning process as well as the grasping and retention capacity of the students under assessment. This is achieved through analyzing the trends and patterns of scores obtained from the tests.

Schools use student assessments to gauge if they have attained their particular goals and objectives in their daily activities of providing quality and sustainable education to the student population. Schools are funded through tax payers’ money to conduct their activities. They can only maintain the trust of funding entity through publishing school performance results which are assessment based. Teachers in the school districts are also evaluated according to the scores obtained by the students. Assessments help to show areas of weakness in performance and the need for improvement. Generally, the whole education system is assessment based in order to measure performance in the sector.


Broward County Assessment task force.

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