Lobbying communication and negotiation dimension

Lobbying communication and negotiation dimension
Lobbying communication and negotiation dimension

Lobbying communication and negotiation dimension

Students are invited to prepare an analysis of the communication and negotiation dimension of lobbying. Pertinent arguments / recommendations will be formulated in this sense (depending on your preference, you may also refer to relevant examples / cases to sustain your ideas). Based on the position / arguments expressed, your goal is to mainly point out the impact / benefits which the communication and negotiation components can offer for conducting a more efficient lobbying – either in general or related to specific contexts / situations. By the end of the paper, students will also briefly emphasize the role of coalitions / alliances created by lobbyists when dealing with a certain lobbying dossier (here too, reference can be also made to concrete examples /cases).

Mid-term assignment  winter quarter

Course on Lobbying, UIBS Brussels, 2019

Mid-term assignment:

Students are invited to prepare an analysis of the communication and negotiation dimension of lobbying.

Pertinent arguments / recommendations will be formulated in this sense (depending on your preference,you may also refer to relevant examples / cases to sustain your ideas). Based on the position / arguments expressed, your goal is to mainly point out the impact / benefits which the communication and negotiation components can offer for conducting a more efficient lobbying – either in general or related to specific contexts / situations. By the end of the paper, students will also briefly emphasize the role of coalitions / alliances created by lobbyists when dealing with a certain lobbying dossier (here too, reference can be also made to concrete examples /cases).

This assignment should have around 2500 words.

For the preparation of the mid-term assignment, using references is compulsory (mainly books, academic articles; to a lesser extent, some relevant / reliable websites may be also consulted).

The assignment must respect the following structure: introduction – where you explain the goal & structure of your paper, the main elements you focus on, the approach taken (1/3 ñ Ω page), body of the paper (where the main points are being fully analyzed / discussed) and conclusion (where to make some relevant final comments with reference to the treated subject). Harvard Referencing Style should be used. A reference / bibliography section must be also added at the end of the paper to indicate the consulted titles / authors.

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