Local Public Health Events/Trends

Local Public Health Events/Trends
Local Public Health Events/Trends

Local Public Health Events/Trends

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Local Public Health Events/Trends

Early identification of disease is a vital part of preventing and detecting public health problems. Identification at the onset of an outbreak or trend may allow public health officials to slow the spread of infection. Although pinpointing the start of a disease is challenging, monitoring events/trends at local levels provides public health officials with data on potential outbreaks and trends.

To prepare for this Discussion, Search local news sources or other online resources for a local public health event/trend of interest to you. Consider the surveillance methods used to monitor the event/trend you selected. Analyze the method of monitoring and formulate suggestions for its improvement.

post a brief explanation of the use of informatics, the applications, and the methodologies used to monitor the event/trend you selected. Explain your position on whether the methods used to monitor the event/trend (i.e., systems, procedures) were and are adequate and effective. Provide recommendations to improve the use of informatics to monitor this event/trend



Ebola is the current epidemic that is affecting the world and has killed so many people. By November, the virus was said to have killed more than 5,000 persons. Different measures have been used to monitor the epidemic in the world. The most used interventions are the contact tracing and community sensitization (Farrar & Piot, 2014).

Surveillance methods for monitoring

Contact tracing and community sensitization are integral in the overall strategy of controlling the outbreak of the Ebola virus. Contact tracing is the identification and follow up on people who are or may have been infected. Community sensitization is informing of communities on the Ebola virus to help them observe measures to keep off from Ebola. The first step of monitoring the Epidemic is telling people about the virus and how they can avoid it by keeping clean and staying away from infected persons. The second step is teaching them how to identify people with Ebola and how to respond by contacting the public health authorities (Farrar & Piot, 2014).

The main way of stopping the virus is interrupting transmission of the virus in the community. Once it has been established that people have the virus or have come in contact with the virus, the health care officials should quickly trace the people and isolate them from the rest. They will be put under observation for 21 days to determine if they have been infected of not. Depending on the outcome, the people will be taken care of accordingly. These two processes of surveillance of the epidemic have been the best ways of ensuring that the virus is contained, and the members of the public are well informed of the progress (Farrar & Piot, 2014).


The above methods so far have yielded results but, they are not as effective as they should be. However, there is no definite plan for ensuring that people are doing what they are told. There are no measures put to ensure that instructions are being followed or that the two active surveillance methods are efficient. It is commendable that people are being sensitized about the pandemic, but there should be a way to monitor that the recommendations are being followed


Farrar, J. J., & Piot, P. (2014). The Ebola emergency—immediate action, ongoing strategyNew England Journal of Medicine371(16), 1545-1546.

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