Main themes of the film “13th.” Assignment

Main themes of the film “13th.”
Main themes of the film “13th.”

Main themes of the film “13th.”

Write an essay in which you reflect on the main themes of the film “13th.” What sociological problems or questions does the film raise? How do these themes relate to theories we’ve studied this semester? Choose three theorists to discuss. Be specific in your writing about the film and use specific examples from the film. Clearly identify the theorists and define their relevant concepts in the context of the specific problems raised by the film. (About 3-4 paragraphs.)

Write an essay in which you reflect on the main themes of the film “Blood on the Mountain.” What sociological problems or questions does the film raise? How do these themes relate to theories we’ve studied this semester? Choose three theorists to discuss. Be specific in your writing about the film and use specific examples from the film. Clearly identify the theorists and define their relevant concepts in the context of the specific problems raised by the film. (About 3-4 paragraphs.)

Part II. Part two will consist of 3 of these questions. Answer these questions in about 3-4 paragraphs each. The best answers will demonstrate a complex understanding of the concepts and their implications, and will draw on readings and lectures, define important concepts, and use effective and appropriate examples. Make sure to develop your thoughts thoroughly in order to demonstrate your understanding of concepts.

Briefly define neoliberalism drawing on David Harvey. What connections can you draw between Harvey’s discussion of neoliberalism and theoretical concepts of Althusser and Omi&Winant? Explain using specific examples.

The nation and the individual in global risk society:
According to Ulrich Beck, we now live in what he calls “global risk society.” Define risk society. What are its origins? How do the theories of Durkheim and Stuart Hall relate to the problems of risk society? What solutions or obstacles do these theories suggest exist? Explain using appropriate examples.

A critique of western modernity:
Postmodernists question the “grand meta-narratives” of modernity, such as the idea that (western) modernity represents progress toward knowledge, truth, and freedom (for example, modernization theory à la Rostow). How does the work of Césaire and Allen challenge the idea of progress and increasing freedom?

Habitus, culture, and inequality:
Pierre Bourdieu’s concepts of habitus and cultural capital and explain how he draws on concepts from the theories of Karl Marx. Patricia Hill Collins uses the term “matrix of domination” to describe how inequalities intersect. Briefly discuss these concepts and consider how Bourdieu’s habitus contributes to an understanding of the intersections of race, class and gender. Be sure to define the concepts you discuss. Explain with appropriate examples.

The working class, women, or the cyborg:
For Karl Marx, the proletariat is the revolutionary class with a special standpoint on capitalism. Dorothy Smith uses the standpoint of women to shed light on the relations of ruling. Donna Haraway evokes the figure of the cyborg to imagine liberatory politics. Briefly discuss these concepts and consider the similarities and differences between these ideas. In other words, how is the “cyborg” similar or different from the “proletariat,” or “women”? Use appropriate examples to explain.

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