Man is born free, and is everywhere in chains
Man is born free
Below, you will find your optional – depending on whether one opts to take the final exam – final writing assignment of the semester. You are to compose an essay of no less than 500 words—or, roughly, two full pages, double spaced, size 12 Times New Roman font, standard margins— and no more than 800 words (roughly 3 full pages
Q.1) Rousseau writes that “Man is born free, and is everywhere in chains” – what does he mean to suggest by this statement? One would do well to consider the following when composing one’s response: ‘natural man’; inequality; societal influence; the origin and function of a social contract; the general will.
Q.2) Unpack Rorty’s notion of the ‘ironist’; in doing so, it would be wise to consider the following: ‘final vocabulary,’ his ‘anti-essentialism,’ his particular understanding of what constitutes a ‘liberal’; his substitution of ‘hope’ in place of ‘knowledge.’
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