Management and Success of an Organisation

Management and Success of an Organisation Order Instructions: Please answer these questions accordingly throughout this essay.

Management and Success of an Organisation
Management and Success of an Organisation

If you are part of an organization that has an innovative strategy, what are the key inputs from the environment that you need to implement the strategy? What steps will you take to be sure the inputs exceed minimum acceptable levels? What will you do to ensure your output to the environment is acceptable? How are these two periods of evaluation and control the same and how are they different?

Management and Success of an Organisation Sample Answer

The success of an organization is usually guided by the presence of good strategies; among them innovative strategies. To be able to implement an innovative strategy, there are inputs that have to be derived from the environment. Research is one of the things that bring about the first important input. From research, data is obtained which is able to give proper guidance on how to place an innovative strategy. This will be guided by the presence of feedback from the economy. According to Davis (2011), feedback is usually very instrumental in fostering the success of an innovative strategy. Another input that I have to get from the environment for the implementation of an innovative strategy is commitment from the entire workforce. The employees of an organization are known to be the determinants of the output. Therefore, for such a strategy to be implemented successfully, all levels of staff in the organization should be engaged wholly. This will ensure that every level of the employees understands the need to work towards supporting the innovative strategy of the organization. For the innovative strategy to be implemented successfully there is need to get proper communication. The organization should be able to put in a place a good communication structure. Baylis (2011) says that communication should be made top down and bottom up for it to have a positive impact. This will ensure that all information that is likely to thrust the innovative strategy into success reaches everyone in the organization. Additionally, supportive organizational culture is the other input necessary for the implementation of an innovative strategy. A supportive culture will be important for the purpose of turning the minds of all employees towards the successful implementation of the innovative strategy. Technology would also be an input hat is likely going to assist in the implementation of the innovative strategy.

To ensure that the inputs exceed the minimum acceptable levels, I will take various enabling steps. Firstly, I would encourage training of employees on the need for innovation. This would be aimed at enlightening all levels of employees on the benefits of having an innovative strategy in place. Secondly, I would request for statement of the organizational culture to all employees. This will be an aid in the effort of re-shaping it towards the support of an innovative strategy. Additionally, I would organize with the management to have a strong research team in the organization. I would request the research and development team to focus on innovation for the benefit of the organization during implementation of the innovative strategy. Recommending on the acquisition of the latest technological platforms would also lead to the good performance of the inputs. Basalla (2013) says that continuous review of technological platforms is necessary since technology is always dynamic.  This would also cover the latest communication channels available to the workforce. Additionally, hiring talented individuals will be instrumental in ensuring that the innovative strategy implementation succeeds. Having competent workforce is one of the things that successful organizations have been able to master.

It is worth noting that the output to the environment to always be acceptable. To ensure the innovative strategies output is acceptable, I will start by ensuring that the expected standards are known to each and every member of the organization. This will create a proper avenue for control to stay within the communicated standards. I will partner with the standards authorities for clearance. This will be able to look at the output and confirm whether the expected standards have been adhered to. Additionally, I will make tests as the process of generating inputs goes on. The tests will be aimed at ensuring that the expected output is progressing well. The innovative strategy should be set on ethical principles. According to Duska (2012), all innovations should be within the ethical requirements for them to be successful. Additionally, consumer feedback should be sought. Getting feedback from the market is always a good step towards ensuing ha the product developed is acceptable. This would be done through presenting samples to clients before mass production is done. The management should ensure that the feedback obtained from the consumers is well managed. Proper management of the feedback will involve analysis and implementation. Ignorance regarding any concerns from the consumers about an innovated product can lead to failure of the activity.

Evaluation and control are two important processes in strategy implementation. These two functions are known to have similarities as well as differences. One of the similarities of evaluation and control is that they both ensure that an organization is working towards what was set out for implementation (Griffin, 2011). This means that they are both aimed at ensuring that the implementation of a strategy is within the stated plan. Secondly, evaluation and control are similar in that they help in checking whether the strategy implementation is geared towards the organizations objectives. Additionally, strategy evaluation and control are similar in that they give guidance for future planning. In terms of differences, evaluation is mainly focused in finding out whether there are deviations from the predetermined implementation process while control focuses on making corrections to any notable deviations. Another difference between evaluation and control is that evaluation is more of analysis work, while control is about using the feedback provided by the process of evaluation.

Management and Success of an Organisation References

Basalla, G. (2013). The Evolution of Technology, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Baylis, T. (2011). Clock This: My Life as an Inventor, Headline Publishing

Davis, W. (2011). The Innovators, Ebury Press, London.

Duska T. (2012). Contemporary Reflections on Business Ethics. Cengage Learning.

Griffin, R. (2011). Fundamentals of management. New York: Cengage Learning.

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