Management article review Assignment

Management article review
          Management article review

Management article review

Find an article published (on-line or hard copy) in a business periodical (e.g. Fortune, Business Week, Harvard Business Review, Business Insider, etc.), the business section of a prominent newspaper (Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times), a periodical (e.g. Time, Newsweek, U.S. News and World Report, the Economist, etc.). The articles should relate to a current business action that relates directly to one of the topics in our text. The assignment will be evaluated based on the relevance of the articles and your brief description of how the article relates to the topic. The articles should be current 2014-2019.

Submit:1. Copy of the article (pdf) or link to article.
2. A brief synopsis of article & discussion of how it relates to a topic in our text.
3. APA or MLA citation for the article.

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