Management Orientation Proposal Please use the grading rubric to create an outline of your Management Orientation Proposal assignment. Each section of the rubric should be a section of your final paper and could become the headings. Your Management Orientation Proposal assignment will be graded based on each element of the rubric. Compare each section of your paper with the rubric to ensure all elements are covered. Then, include an introduction and conclusion to tie the paper together. If you have any questions regarding the assignment please contact your instructor using the Course Help forum.
Develop an orientation program for new nurse managers using the Orientation Proposal Template for your orientation proposal. The template includes additional resources for this project, including examples of management orientation programs. Reference at least five scholarly sources.
Grading Rubric PDF
Grading Rubric
22?19 points
18?13 points
12?1 points
0 points
Points Earned
Assembles comprehensive topics for management orientation.
Assembles comprehensive topics for management orientation.
Identifies some major topics to include in a management orientation program. Management Orientation Proposal
Identifies limited topics to include in a management orientation program.

Management Orientation Proposal Sources
Does not identify topics to include in a management orientation program.
Justifies the inclusion of the topic using peer reviewed and/or professional sources.
Justifies the inclusion of the topic using peer reviewed and/or professional sources. Management Orientation Proposal
Identifies the topics to include with references from some non- peer reviewed or non-professional source(s).
Identifies the topics to include without being referenced or from non-peer reviewed or non- professional sources.
Does not identify the topics to include without being referenced or from non-peer reviewed or non- professional sources.
Assembles an outline of the objectives/ competencies necessary at completion of orientation.
Assembles an outline of the objectives/ competencies necessary at completion of orientation. Management Orientation Proposal
Identifies objectives/ competencies necessary at completion of orientation.
Identifies objectives or competencies necessary at completion of orientation.
Does not identify objectives/ competencies necessary at completion of orientation.
Inventories resources (internal &/or external) to use during orientation to ensure orientee has opportunity to obtain necessary information.
Inventories resources (internal &/or external) to use during orientation to ensure orientee has opportunity to obtain necessary information.
Identifies resources (internal and external) to use during orientation to ensure orientee has opportunity to obtain necessary information.
Identifies limited resources (internal and external) to use during orientation to ensure orientee has opportunity to obtain necessary information.
Does not identify resources (internal &/or external) to use during orientation to ensure orientee has opportunity to obtain necessary information.
12?10 points
9?6 points
5?1 points
0 points
Points Earned
Grammar, spelling, and punctuation
APA Compliance
Organization is logical, ideas are clear, and transitions are smooth.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics and usage correct and consistent with Standard American English.
No typographical errors.
References are relevant, scholarly and contemporary.
Correct APA format.
Organization good, ideas usually clear and transitions usually smooth.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage good and consistent with Standard American English; errors do not interfere with meaning or understanding.
There are a few minor typographical errors.
Adequate references.
Minimal APA format errors.
Organization minimally effective; problems with clarity and/or transitions.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics, and usage distracting and could interfere with meaning or understanding
There are multiple typographical errors.
Minimal use of appropriate references.
Poor use of APA format.
Organization does not meet Management Orientation Proposal requirements.
Spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics and/or usage interfere with understanding and do not reflect scholarly writing.
There are major typographical errors.
Poor use and/or selection of references, or no references.
No use of APA
This is a sample of the orientation proposal template to be used for the essay.
Management Orientation Proposal
Your Name
American Sentinel University
Management Orientation Proposal Abstract
You do not need an abstract. Begin this page with the title of your paper on the first line. Notice the title is identical to your title page?just copy and paste. Remember the introduction does not have a heading that says, Introduction. In this section you want to entice readers to continue reading, and let them know what to expect from your paper??tell ?em what you are going to tell ?em?. Say something like: The purpose of this paper is to present a proposal for the development of a new manager orientation program. Make it your final sentence. To learn more about purpose statements, see: Writing Effective Purpose Statements. To learn more about writing a great introduction, see: UNC Writing Center: Introductions.
Management Orientation Program
In this section, provide a more detailed description (paragraph or two) of your program as a foreword to your table. Here are some links to management orientation programs provided as examples to stimulate your thinking:
Essentials of Nurse Manager Orientation (course outline)
Georgetown University Management Orientation
Princeton University New Manager Orientation Program
McMaster University New Manager Orientation Program
Southern Methodist University Manager Orientation Schedule (click on a title for the course description).