Management Problem and Adjustment to Solution
Complete 1 or more page paper indicating if you are making any adjustments or modifications to your solutions based on your reassessment.

If you are making modifications, be specific what solution/s you need to modify.
Management Problem and Adjustment to Solution
Many things have been said about management and managers or people in managerial positions. The mention of it being an easy job is clearly not one of them.
At the end of the day, week, month or financial calendar, the manager is the one held accountable for the state of the business. This is whether the company has suffered profits, stunted growth or losses. Management has been defined by various people differently, but it all comes down to definition of their roles.
Van Fleet and Peterson define management, ëas a set of activities directed at the efficient and effective utilization of resources in the pursuit of one or more goals.í (Mu-yo?l, Collins). With this definition and many similar to it, scholars such as Fayol have defined management according to its major functions which include Planning, Commanding, Controlling, Organizing and Coordination.
Management Problem and Adjustment to Solution
One major management problem faced by managers is accountability. Managers often get stuck between a rock and a hard place when they have to explain to the owners or the board of governors why the company is performing poorly and having to appear as the bad person to their subordinate staff members (What Is Management).
The company’s goal is to increase the sale of their dairy product to neighboring counties and states. The goals are set by the owners and governors of the company and it is down to the sales manager to oversee branding, partnership deals and marketing strategies…
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