Managing a branch closure program

The student will provide either a 2-3 paragraph written response for each question listed after the case study (or similar exercise) or provide a written case study analysis. 

Directions – Case Study Guidelines

Drafting the case, think like a practicing manager. As part of your analysis, it is necessary, but not sufficient to answer the following questions in enough depth to show that you have performed more than a superficial reading of the case’s content, and subsequently applied relevant theory.

Identify the key problems and issues in the case study. What is the issue being presented or analyzed in the case? Focus on the main issue in the case if more than one topic is presented. Use your judgment to decide on which issue is the one that is potentially most costly to an organization if left unresolved. There are more kinds of costs to be considered than economic costs. Do not neglect them in your analysis. Formulate and include a thesis statement, summarizing the outcome of your analysis in 1–2 sentences.

Set the scene: background information, relevant facts, and the most important issues.
Where did the issue take place? Consider this because you need to consider cultural and environmental considerations that may differ from those of the United States, in your analysis.
When did the issue take place? There may be historic and environmental considerations different from those of the United States, which should be considered in your analysis.
Who was affected by the issues? In other words, who are the stakeholders inside and outside of the organization that needs to be considered when formulating an analysis, and possible response to the situation?

Why did the issue occur? This may involve conjecture on your part. It is all right to speculate; just identify your speculation as such. In an empirical case, causal factors may be identified as such. Outline the various pieces of the case study that you are focusing on. Evaluate these pieces by discussing what is working and what is not working. State why these parts of the case study are or are not working well.
Proposed Solution/Changes
Provide specific and realistic solution(s) or changes needed. Explain why this solution was selected. Support this solution with solid evidence, such as: concepts from class (text readings, discussions, lectures), outside research

How would you, as a manager, apply the insights gained from the case to improve an organization’s operations? Determine and discuss specific strategies for accomplishing the proposed solution. If applicable, recommend further action to resolve some of the issues. What should be done and who should do it?

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