Marketing mix (4Ps) Essay Assignment

Marketing mix (4Ps)
Marketing mix (4Ps)

Marketing mix (4Ps)

Choose company. If you choose a large company that markets many different products, focus only on one product or product line. Respond the following questions:

1. Identify and describe the target market for the product you are writing about. There might be more than one target segment, if that is the case, describe the one or two that can be considered the major segments that the company targets with the chosen product. Try to pinpoint the characteristics that make people in the target market respond differently than people who are not part of it. Describe in more detail than just the basic demographics.

2. Describe the marketing mix (4Ps) that the company is using to attract their target segment. Describe each element (Price, Promotion, Product, and Placement) of the mix and discuss how effective it is appealing to the target market.

You may use your Marketing, an Introduction book by Gary Armstrong

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