Materials, Resources, and the Integration of Technology

 Materials, Resources, and the Integration of Technology
Materials, Resources, and the Integration of Technology

Science Unit Plan: Materials, Resources, and the Integration of Technology

The fourth step in planning a unit plan is to research and decide on the necessary materials and resources that create engagement through anticipatory sets and help to develop confidence as competent users of technology.

Part 1: Materials, Resources, and Technology
Complete the “Materials, Resources, and Technology” sections of the “Science Unit Plan.” Include appropriate and relevant materials, resources, and technology that successfully:
Support students in chosen content, development of relevant skills, and encourage student engagement.
Support diverse student needs and learning advancement.
The details of the “Science Unit Plan” will continue to be fully developed and revised throughout the duration of the course, culminating in a complete unit plan due in Topic 5.

Part 2: Reflection
In 250-500 words, summarize and reflect on how planning for materials, resources, and technology can create engagement and motivation during a lesson. How can you utilize informational resources to engage students and help develop their confidence as competent users of technology? How will you evaluate curriculum materials, school/district resources, student data to make sure you are using appropriate and relevant materials?
Support your reflection with at least two scholarly resources.
Submit the “Science Unit Plan” and reflection as one deliverable.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.

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