McDonalds Organization Research Paper

McDonalds Organization

McDonalds Organization

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Using only publicly available information, investigate the extent to which Steve Easterbrook, President, and CEO of McDonald’s and McDonald’s organization appear to be fully committed to building, supporting, and nurturing a diverse workforce.

Presenting your findings: Provide a succinct (approximately 500 – 600 word) synopsis of your findings.


McDonalds Organization was formed in 1940 in the United States. It began as a barbecue restaurant operated by Maurice and Richard McDonald. It runs a chain of fast foods restaurant around the world dealing with hamburger. In 1948, it recognized their operations as a hamburger stand that uses production line principles. The growth of the company worldwide was due to the work of Ray Kroc who joined in 1955 as a franchise agent. Ray later bought the company from the McDonalds brothers. The operations of the McDonalds restaurant is either under the corporate itself, a franchisee, or an affiliate. Therefore, the source of income is from the revenues collected from the franchise, the royalties paid, the rent, and also from the sales in the company-operated restaurants.

The organization of the McDonalds organization is a complex structure, whereby it operates fast food restaurants in more than 100 countries. Nurturing of a diverse workforce is, therefore, necessary to facilitate the cultural organization at McDonalds. Steve Easterbrook, the president and CEO at McDonalds, is fully committed to supporting, building and nurturing of a diverse workforce. The organization regards diversity and inclusion as a part of its culture covering from the board to the crew. Steve believes that leaders should hold themselves accountable for respecting and valuing individuals all across the counter within the organization (DuBrin, 2011).

One of the important steps taken by Steve Easterbrook is the step of shifting from awareness to involvement of actions. Instead of just creating awareness, a goal was set such that the workers in the organization can live and explore their full potential thus promoting commitment among the workforce. In promoting responsibility and diversity, Steve has ensured the employment of minority U.S employees and 70% of the population to be women (Burns, 2012). There is a high percentage of women and other minority employees of more than 25% in leadership positions (Devarakonda, 2013).

For the build and support of the McDonald’s brand, Steve Easterbrook has dedicated the company to identifying and developing partnerships with other major organizations. Through the establishment and the maintenance of these organizational partnerships, a brand trust is developed among diverse communities and hence increasing their presence in the various populations. It, therefore, ensures that a customer-friendly environment is created and thus ensuring a diverse workforce. Under their submission, the McDonald’s Company provides that an inclusive environment is created for the employees and the customers on a global basis (Burns, 2012).

Due to the social critics about their high-calorie menu, the McDonald’s company has had to initiate a complete cultural change. It started the training and programs that mentor the restaurant crews thus emphasizing leadership development and also helping the employees to explore their full potential. By training the restaurant team the company became committed in diversification and leadership development. It ranges from the C-suite to the lower ranks at McDonald’s. The diversity included a focus on the supply chain and thus promoting community involvement, external branding, corporate responsibility, and the creation of awareness to the consumers concerning nutrition (DuBrin, 2011).

Through the leadership of Steve Easterbrook, the McDonald’s Company has successfully involved diversification in their operations. Steve has been committed to the building, nurturing, and supporting of a diverse is also evident that the McDonald’s Organization is dedicated to providing inclusive works environment, support and facilitating training. It thus indicates that the diversity and inclusion are the fundamental element of the McDonald’s Organizational culture.


Kaplan, M., & Donovan, M. (2013). The inclusion dividend: Why investing in diversity & inclusion pays off. Brookline, MA: Bibliomotion.

DuBrin, A. J. (2011). Leadership: Research findings, practice, and skills. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Devarakonda, C. (2013). Diversity & inclusion in early childhood: An introduction. London: SAGE.

Burns, J. M. G. (2012). Leadership. New York, NY: Open Road Integrated Media.

Wright, A.-M. (2006). FE lecturer’s guide to diversity and inclusion. London: Continuum.

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