Medical Healthcare Records Data Quality

Medical Healthcare Records Data Quality Order Instructions: Data Quality  For your selected organization, create three sample Medical Records with the mandatory fields (1 per page. Use these fields to capture pertinent data as if you were an actual patient. Using the guidelines from MRI and AHIMA indicate how the information would be captured (paper or electronically).

Medical Healthcare Records Data Quality
Medical Healthcare Records Data Quality

How would the quality of data you evaluate compare with your expectations?

Medical Healthcare Records Data Quality Module Overview

Healthcare systems are driven by data, which is translated into useful information that can be used by organizations, providers, researchers, and consumers. The information used must be reliable so decisions that are made are appropriate, using the data and information available. When there are errors in the data, patient care, research, and courses of action suffer. This module examines the impact of poor data quality and how to prevent it.

Data Quality

The management of health information is a major concern from both a quality of care as well as a medicolegal perspective. There is a need for quality of data to ensure safe and appropriate patient care. One of the biggest challenges in capturing reliable and valid data is the understanding of the importance of data and protecting it from all levels of the organization, which include support staff, providers, administrators, and executives.

The problem with poor data quality is that data is gathered at the user level. Clinical providers and support staff typically enter data. When there are mistakes in data entering, it translates into problems in patient care, reimbursement, and research. The problem of poor data crosses departments and organizations, filtering into decisions that are made based on the data.

As a result of the importance of data quality, two organizations were developed: American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) and Medical Records Institute (MRI). Both organizations developed standards to facilitate the move from paper to an electronic health information system. AHIMA developed a data quality model and MRI used a consensus group to present some of the challenges of capturing data electronically, including recommendations.

Medical Healthcare Records Data Quality Required Reading

Lorence, D., & Chen, L. (2008). Disparities in Health Information Quality Across the Rural-Urban Continuum: Where is Coded Data More Reliable? Journal of Medical Systems, 32(1), 1-8. Retrieved from ProQuest Computing. (Document ID: 1897506551).

Mooney, S. E. (1998, October). Health information management experts outline steps to data quality. Clinical Data Management, 5(7), 10. Retrieved from ProQuest Nursing & Allied Health Source. (Document ID: 35023770).

American Health Information Management Association (1998). Practice Brief: Data Quality Management Model.

Waegemann, C. P., Tessier, C., Barbash, A., Blumenfeld, B. H., Borden, J., Brinson, R. M., Jr., Cooper, T. … Weber, J. (2002). Healthcare documentation: A report on information capture and report generation. Medical Records Institute.

Medical Healthcare Records Data Quality Sample Answer

How the mandatory fields would compare with my expectations.

In all the three samples, the mandatory fields include patient’s identifiers, the reason for a hospital visit, review of the systems, allergies, diagnosis and care plan. The last sample only captures on patient’s physical examinations, and therefore leaves out on diagnosis and treatment. The benefit of mandatory fields in the Electronic Medical record is that they act as reminders and enhances patient’s safety. This implies that the healthcare providers must be extra careful when filling the field in order to store capture vital information. The mandatory field must be updated regularly in order to prevent medical errors (Bowman, 2013).

Therefore, it is important for a healthcare provider to take time and decide the mandatory fields important in their practice, and ensure that the Electronic medical record is configured in a way that one cannot bypass or disable the fields.  My expectation of these mandatory fields is that they will help improve patient safety, efficiency and quality, as well as help, assess potential health disparities. This information will also help maintain patient information private and enhance coordinated care (Linder,  Schnipper,  & Middleton,  2012).

Medical Healthcare Records Data Quality References

Linder, J. A., Schnipper, J. L., & Middleton, B. (2012). Method of electronic health record documentation and quality of primary care. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA, 19(6), 1019–1024.

Bowman, S. (2013). Impact of Electronic Health Record Systems on Information Integrity: Quality and Safety Implications. Perspectives in Health Information Management, 10(Fall), 1c.
Systematic data collection form

Name: Myres Jacob  

Gender: Female  

Age : 31y/o

Height: 6’0”

Weight: 188lbs

  Allergies: cold/dust
 CC : c/o of nasal congestion and dry cough that started seven days ago
HPI: The patient is 31 y/o Hispanic female reported to the clinic with c/o of nasal congestion and a dry cough that started seven days ago. She reported that she has seasonal allergies and was under Metformin 500mg medicine. The review of the system was remarkable except for that she had regular but labored respirations, wheezing sound, productive cough with tan sputum.
Medical history: NONE
Family/social history Father is 79 y/o alive and suffering from prostate cancer. Mother is 76 years old, alive and asthmatic. Brother is 45 years old, alive and healthy. She is a nursing student schooling at a local community college. She lives alone and is not dating
Medication                                                                           Metformin

Route                                                                                             oral

frequency                                                                                    twice

Dosage                                                                 500mg

Physical exam: Remarkable
ROS The review of the system was remarkable except for that she has regular  but labored respirations, wheezing sound, productive cough with tan sputum
Diagnostic tests

 CBC- pending

Peak flow

Allergy test



Clinical notes

Asthma:  suspected because the patient has had the history of an asthma attack, fatigue, SOB and cough


Care plan:

–          Prednisone 40mg PO BID for 3 days, Refill ProAirHFA (albuterol sulfate) inhaler

–          Promethazine DM syrup Q4-6hr




On-call physician medical record


Date: 03/23/17

To:    Mr. Raghav, M                                                                     .                                                           


Re: Patient Myre Jacobs         Age: 31 years                Gender: Female

This patient phoned on 23rd March, 2017                 at 10.30                    o’clock.

I saw this patient in office Emergency department 23rd March, 2017              at 10.30                  o’clock.


The patient is 31 y/o Hispanic female reported to the clinic with c/o of nasal congestion and a dry cough that started seven days ago. She reported that she has seasonal allergies and was under Metformin 500mg medicine. The review of the system was remarkable except for that she had regular  but labored respirations, wheezing sound, productive cough with tan sputum


v  CBC- pending

v  Peak flow

v  Allergy test

v  Spirometry


v  Asthma:  suspected because the patient has had the history of an asthma attack, fatigue, SOB and cough

Action/Advice: Admitted to keep warm and avoid allergens. Patient advised to call in     14    days or if symptoms persist after 24 hrs.

Medication prescribed

–          Prednisone 40mg PO BID for 3 days, Refill ProAirHFA (albuterol sulfate) inhaler

–          Promethazine DM syrup Q4-6hr

Physician initials       R. M.        . Date    23rd March, 2017      Pharmacy       J.K. L          Date 23rd March, 2017






Family Name: Jacob’s Given name (s): Myre Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD): 1986-05-29
For abnormal findings, please give  History, diagnosis, treatment plan (include date &medications), lab results, specialist reports, current status/prognosis
Physical examination Response/Normal Remarks
Height            6’ 0”
 Normal range
Weight        188lbs
Normal range
BMI              25.54
Normal range
Bp             120/75
Normal range
RR     15 laboured
No hearing difficulties, no nose bleeds, denies dental problems, nasal congestion associated with yellowish-mucous discharge
Eyes (include fundoscopy)
 No eyesight changes, denies itchy eyes
 Breast examination
Cardiovascular system
Denies palpitation or angina, no murmurs, gallops or rubs
Respiratory system
Regular respirations (labored) wheezing sound, productive cough with tan sputum
Nervous system (sequeale of cerebral palsy, stroke or other neurological disabilities
 Denies neurological disorders
Cognitive state
No cognitive impairements
Gastrointestinal system
 Normal bowel movements, no changes in appetite
 No injuries or backache issues, ROM in all quadrants
Endocrine system
Denies any health complication
Other physical or mental health condition None NKDA

Medical record: Physical Examination


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