Melody with Chordal Accompaniment

Melody with Chordal Accompaniment Choose a feeling/emotion you wish to portray. (Identify in the comments section on Sakai or make clear by using a title for your piece.)

Melody with Chordal Accompaniment
Melody with Chordal Accompaniment

Choose an appropriate major or minor (harmonic only) key of minimum THREE sharps or flats
Write for Piano, melody in right hand (i.e. treble clef), chords in left hand (i.e. bass clef).
Compose an 8-measure SINGABLE melody. (Points off for extra blank measures.)
Use two chords minimum per measure (may have only one chord in the final measure) to harmonize the melody (method will be explained in class and is summarized below.)
Use functional harmony only, no modal harmony, i.e. progressions must proceed .Tonic-Subdominant-Dominant-Tonic. We will discuss this in class, including the chords that are in each family.
Include a half cadence in measure 4 (i.e. come to rest on V-chord) and end with a full cadence (V-I) as explained in the text.
Provide Roman numeral and figured-bass analysis.
Upload to Sakai in Musescore .mscz format.
No errors and artistically exceptional = A
Minor errors and artistically acceptable = B
Multiple errors or artistically unacceptable = C
Multiple errors AND artistically unacceptable = D or F
10 points off for late submission.
Acceptable chord progressions: I-IV-V-I, can always go I-V-I. vi and iii are substitutes for I, ii is a substitute for IV and viio is a substitute for V. Also the following ROOT movements will always work: up by 4th, up by 2nd, down by 5th and down by 3rd.

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