Mental Health Annotated Bibliography

Mental Health Annotated Bibliography
Mental Health Annotated Bibliography

Mental Health Annotated Bibliography

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Mental Health Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Renshaw , Keith D., Allen, Elizabeth S., Rhoades, Galena K., Blais, Rebecca K., Markman, Howard, J. and Stanley, Scott M. (2011). Distress in spouses of service members with symptoms of combat-related PTSD: secondary traumatic stress or general psychological stress? Journal of Family Psychology (Vol. 25, 4). (Pages 461-469). doi:10.1037/a0023994 Retrieved from

Mental Health Annotated Bibliography

In this study (Renshaw et al, 2012 ); results indicated that there is a link to psychological stress and the need for intervention strategies for spouses of service members with symptoms of combat related PTSD.

This article shines light on the need for increased counseling opportunities for returning military personnel, it is important that a cohesive transition back into civilian or continued military life occurs not only for the service member but for the spouse and their families as well. This article is current and published within the last two years.

Additionally, the article is considered scholarly and credible in their research as it was retrieved from peer a reviewed journal, by author’s who are well- known researchers in this particular field of study.

In fact, the authors of this article, “Distress in spouses of service member with symptoms of combat-related PTSD: Secondary traumatic stress or general psychological stress?” (Renshaw et al, 2011, p. 465), conducted their research via a grant from The National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

To have this award, the researchers must have research endeavors underway and all researchers are affiliated with major universities who conduct research of this magnitude on a regular basis.

Taft, Casey T., Schumm, Jeremiah A., Panuzio, Jillian, Proctor, Susan P. (2008). An examination of family adjustment among Operation Desert Storm veterans. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. (Vol. 76, 4). (Pages 648-656). doi: 10.1037/a0012576 Retrieved from

In this article (Taft, Schumm, Jeremiah, Panuzio, & Proctor, 2008), discuss military wives stress reactions when their husbands were deployed. They further highlight how education and mental health care personnel can help to identify these stress symptoms for those who might be at risk of a mental health diagnosis.

With this knowledge, it allows for intervention prior to the symptoms becoming more psychologically damaging.

This article is of interest to professional counseling as the issue of stress and trauma to relationships can occur with spouses, who are deployed and those remaining at home.

With the intent to keep the family unit intact during and after deployments, it is necessary to implement early prevention strategies. Studies like this are helpful in recognizing these potential issues.

This article is current and published in the last five years from a scholarly, peer reviewed journal. In addition, the authors are considered experts in their field and are affiliated with the Veterans Affairs of Boston, Harvard Medical and the National Center for PTSD.

Wexler, Harry K. and McGrath, Ellen (1991). Family member stress reactions to military involvement separation. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training. (Vol. 28, 3). (Pages 515-519). doi: 10.1037/0033-3204.28.3.515 Retrieved from

Wexler & McGrath (1991) study the relationship between trauma and stress syndrome in military wives whose husbands have been deployed. The goal of this study indicates a need for additional support and the opportunity for networking and groups of military wives to share experiences and explore different coping mechanisms.

Additionally, it suggests counseling for those who need more professional support (Wexler & McGrath, 1991, p. 517). While this journal article is twenty years old and may be considered aged documentation in some academic circles; the topic lends to the discussion of empirical research conducted regarding this theme.

In this light, it is considered viable to continued research of active combat of United States military action and those military personnel who have been exposed to active combat in deployment.

This article is considered scholarly and credible in their research as it was retrieved from peer a reviewed journal, based on an empirical study, endorsed by the American Psychological Association, and written author’s well- known researchers in this particular field of study.

Annotated Bibliography
Elizabeth Crisomia
Grand Canyon University: UNV 503
March 20, 2019

Annotated Bibliography
Blevins, D., & Khanna, S. (2016). Clinical Implications of Substance Abuse in Young Adults. Psychiatric Times, 33(1), 14–16. Retrieved from

According to Blevins and Khanna (2016), screening students for substance abuse that is not alcohol may be difficult. This is because substances may include hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin.

Specific questions targeting specific drugs would likely result in informed and useful information in the collection of data. Their article revealed that substance use involves not only alcohol abuse but also binge drinking and the misuse of prescribed medicine.

While others may not be harmed from taking those drugs, others get negatively affected by the abuse of substances. Gaining critical knowledge of the prevalence of specific drug use would help in preventing associated health, behavioral, and social problems.

The article is a knowledgeable study since it is derived from the psychiatric time’s database. Therefore, the findings have a high likelihood of becoming valid and useful in the field of psychology.

The article provides relevant and critical information on how substance abuse significantly contributes to mental health problems. The information provided would further help in reducing the negative outcomes of substance abuse among students.

Chan, R. C. H., & Mak, W. W. S. (2016). Common sense model of mental illness: Understanding the impact of cognitive and emotional representations of mental illness on recovery through the mediation of self-stigma. Psychiatry Research, 246, 16–24.

Chan and Mak (2016) sought to understand how self-stigma from the cognitive and mental perception of people in recovery affects clinical and personal healing of people.

Stigmatization may not only come from external factors but also internal elements such as personal beliefs as well. Their cross-sectional study showed that self-stigma has a significant role in enabling individual illness influence the recovery process in mental health illnesses.

As a result, the authors recommended management programs that were aimed at eliminating misconceptions, emotions, and related beliefs and perceptions of mental illnesses. The article is from the U.S. National Library of Medicine National Institute of Health.

The authors are also professors from the department of psychology in Hong Kong thereby making the information provided helpful in understanding how mental health treatment models could be improved.

Mental illnesses should be eliminated to promote effective recovery processes among affected individuals. Elimination of negative emotional energies among affected individuals is critical in towards developing self-management techniques in the recovery process of individuals.

Welsh, J. W., Knight, J. R., Hou, S. S.-Y., Malowney, M., Schram, P., Sherritt, L., & Boyd, J. W. (2017). Association Between Substance Use Diagnoses and Psychiatric Disorders in an Adolescent and Young Adult Clinic-Based Population. Journal of Adolescent Health, (6).

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