Mental health stigma

1. Mental health stigma is negatively judging someone and discriminating against them for having a mental illness. It is a barrier to people with mental illness in seeking help for their problem, because of the shame and embarrassment they feel if they do. We all need to stop the stigma of mental illness. Read the information at the National Alliance on mental Illness site below. Go to our discussion board and post an example of the stigma of mental illness that you have had or seen toward someone else. If you have not seen this, make up an example. Also, list 2 actions you can do to reduce stigma in our society. Post on discussion by midnight January 21. A minimum of one paragraph for the example and another paragraph for the actions. (Don’t forget to do the second part of Lesson 1 assignment at the bottom of Lesson 1 module. It is worth 25 points, also)

9 Ways to Fight Mental Health Stigma | NAMI: National Alliance on Mental Illness
Every day, in every possible way, we need to stand up to stigma. If you’re not sure how, here are some ways our Facebook community responded to the question: “How do you fight stigma?”

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