METR Homework 2 Assignment Paper

METR Homework 2
METR Homework 2

METR Homework 2

METR Homework 2

1. What are the major components of hydrological cycle? What are the key changes observed on these hydrological components?
2. What are the two clouds radiation effects on energy balance?
3. How do clouds affect the local temperature? Draw a figure to show. (hint: from albedo effect, greenhouse effect, day, night perspectives)
4. Describe the importance of aerosol effects on clouds formation.
5. Touch the data: Analysis NASA satellite (MODIS) observed cirrus clouds, plot the data from the following website and answer the questions (a) and (b)
Step 1: go to
Step 2 go to panel for “MOD08_M3.051”
Step 2. select cirrus reflection
Step 3: plot globe map for July 2013 to answer question (a)
Step 4. Change temporal selection and select “Visualization Selection” as “time series” for question (b).
a. discuss three regions with high cirrus refection occur and link your albedo lecture to explain how this high cirrus reflection would affect surface
b. plot time series for global cirrus reflection from January 2013 to December 2013, discuss which month has the highest value and lowest value. Can you
guess what might be the reasons?

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